Copy a listing
This article applies to selling in: United States

Copy a listing

The Copy listing feature allows you to create a new product detail page using information from an existing listing.

For example, you have three different versions of the same toy. Each version has a different product identifier, such as UPC, EAN, or JAN but shares the same manufacturer, brand name, product description, and target audience. You can create a detail page for one of the product versions and then use the Copy listing feature to quickly create pages for the other two versions. For more information, refer to the table below.

Table 1. Product examples
Elements Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Item Name Rubik’s Cube Classic 3x3 Rubik’s Cube Revenge - 4x4 Rubik’s 360
Manufacturer Goliath Goliath Goliath
Brand Name Rubik’s Cube TM Rubik’s Cube TM Rubik’s Cube TM
Target Audience All public (+36 month) All public (+36 month) All public (+36 month)
Product Description Rubik’s Cube version 3x3 Rubik’s Cube version 4x4 "Revenge" Rubik’s Cube version 360

To copy a listing, do the following:

  1. On the Inventory menu, select Manage All Inventory.
  2. Find the listing that you want to copy.
  3. Select Copy listing from the drop-down menu in the same row as the listing. A new page opens to update your information. The template will be populated with the product attributes from the original listing except for its Contribution SKU and product ID.
  4. Enter the unique Contribution SKU, External product ID, and any other attributes specific to the listing you are creating.
  5. Click Save and finish.