2024 FBA monthly inventory storage fee and aged inventory surcharge changes
This article applies to selling in: United States

2024 FBA monthly inventory storage fee and aged inventory surcharge changes

Note: For an overview of all 2024 US selling fee changes, go to amazon.com/selling-fee-changes.

This page details upcoming changes to the FBA monthly inventory storage fee and aged inventory surcharge in 2024.

Monthly inventory storage fee changes

Amazon charges monthly inventory storage fees for the space your inventory occupies in fulfillment centers. Starting April 1, 2024, off-peak monthly inventory storage fees (January-September) will be reduced by $0.09 per cubic foot for standard-size products. This change will first be reflected in May 2024 charges for storage that occurs in April 2024. There will be no change to off-peak monthly inventory storage fees for large bulky or extra-large (previously called oversized) products and peak monthly inventory storage fees for standard-size, large bulky, and extra-large products.

Prior to April 1, 2024
Storage month Standard-size

Large bulky / Extra-large

(previously called oversized)

January-September $0.87 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot
October-December $2.40 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot

April 1, 2024, and after
Storage month Standard-size Large bulky / Extra-large
January-September $0.78 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot
October-December $2.40 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot

Storage utilization surcharge changes

Starting April 1, 2024, we will introduce more granular fee tiers to the storage utilization surcharge and will start applying the fee to Professional sellers with a storage utilization ratio above 22 weeks. We will exclude inventory aged between 0 and 30 days from the surcharge. This change will first be reflected in May 2024 charges for storage that occurs in April 2024.

Starting June 1, 2024, products that are auto-replenished by Amazon Warehousing and Distribution are eligible for a storage utilization surcharge waiver. This change will first be reflected in July 2024 charges for storage that occurs in June 2024.

Off-peak period (January-September), before April 1, 2024 changes
Storage utilization ratio Standard-size

Large bulky / Extra-large

(previously called oversized)

Base monthly inventory storage fee Storage utilization surcharge Total monthly inventory storage fee Base monthly inventory storage fee Storage utilization surcharge Total monthly inventory storage fee
Below 26 weeks $0.87 per cubic foot N/A $0.87 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot N/A $0.56 per cubic foot
26 – 39 weeks $0.87 per cubic foot $0.69 per cubic foot $1.56 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot $0.46 per cubic foot $1.02 per cubic foot
39+ weeks $0.87 per cubic foot $0.94 per cubic foot $1.81 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot $0.63 per cubic foot $1.19 per cubic foot
New sellers1, sellers with Individual selling accounts, and sellers with less than 25 cubic feet daily volume $0.87 per cubic foot N/A $0.87 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot N/A $0.56 per cubic foot

Peak period (October-December), before April 1, 2024 changes
Storage utilization ratio Standard-size

Large bulky / Extra-large

(previously called oversized)

Base monthly inventory storage fee Storage utilization surcharge Total monthly inventory storage fee Base monthly inventory storage fee Storage utilization surcharge Total monthly inventory storage fee
Below 26 weeks $2.40 per cubic foot N/A $2.40 per cubic foot

$1.40 per cubic foot N/A $1.40 per cubic foot
26 – 39 weeks $2.40 per cubic foot $0.69 per cubic foot $3.09 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot $0.46 per cubic foot $1.86 per cubic foot
39+ weeks $2.40 per cubic foot $0.94 per cubic foot $3.34 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot $0.63 per cubic foot $2.03 per cubic foot
New sellers1, sellers with Individual selling accounts, and sellers with less than 25 cubic feet daily volume $2.40 per cubic foot N/A $2.40 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot N/A $1.40 per cubic foot

Off-peak period (January-September), April 1, 2024 and after
Storage utilization ratio Standard-size

Large bulky / Extra-large
Base monthly inventory storage fee Storage utilization surcharge Total monthly inventory storage fee Base monthly inventory storage fee Storage utilization surcharge Total monthly inventory storage fee
Below 22 weeks $0.78 per cubic foot N/A $0.78 per cubic foot

$0.56 per cubic foot N/A $0.56 per cubic foot
22 – 28 weeks $0.78 per cubic foot $0.44 per cubic foot $1.22 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot $0.23 per cubic foot $0.79 per cubic foot
28 – 36 weeks $0.78 per cubic foot $0.76 per cubic foot $1.54 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot $0.46 per cubic foot $1.02 per cubic foot
36 – 44 weeks $0.78 per cubic foot $1.16 per cubic foot $1.94 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot $0.63 per cubic foot $1.19 per cubic foot
44 – 52 weeks $0.78 per cubic foot $1.58 per cubic foot $2.36 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot $0.76 per cubic foot $1.32 per cubic foot
52+ weeks $0.78 per cubic foot $1.88 per cubic foot $2.66 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot $1.26 per cubic foot $1.82 per cubic foot
New sellers1, sellers with Individual selling accounts, and sellers with less than 25 cubic feet daily volume $0.78 per cubic foot N/A $0.78 per cubic foot $0.56 per cubic foot N/A $0.56 per cubic foot

Peak period (October-December), Oct 1, 2024 and after
Storage utilization ratio Standard-size

Large bulky / Extra-large
Base monthly inventory storage fee Storage utilization surcharge Total monthly inventory storage fee Base monthly inventory storage fee Storage utilization surcharge Total monthly inventory storage fee
Below 22 weeks $2.40 per cubic foot N/A $2.40 per cubic foot

$1.40 per cubic foot N/A $1.40 per cubic foot
22 – 28 weeks $2.40 per cubic foot $0.44 per cubic foot $2.84 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot $0.23 per cubic foot $1.63 per cubic foot
28 – 36 weeks $2.40 per cubic foot $0.76 per cubic foot $3.16 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot $0.46 per cubic foot $1.86 per cubic foot
36 – 44 weeks $2.40 per cubic foot $1.16 per cubic foot $3.56 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot $0.63 per cubic foot $2.03 per cubic foot
44 – 52 weeks $2.40 per cubic foot $1.58 per cubic foot $3.98 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot $0.76 per cubic foot $2.16 per cubic foot
52+ weeks $2.40 per cubic foot $1.88 per cubic foot $4.28 per cubic foot $1.40 per cubic foot $1.26 per cubic foot $2.66 per cubic foot
New sellers1, sellers with Individual selling accounts, and sellers with less than 25 cubic feet daily volume $2.40 per cubic foot N/A $2.40 per cubic foot

$1.40 per cubic foot N/A $1.40 per cubic foot

1 New sellers are defined as sellers who have sent their first shipment to a fulfillment center less than 52 weeks ago. After the 52-week period, these sellers may receive a storage utilization surcharge based on their storage utilization ratio.

Aged inventory surcharge changes

Starting February 15, 2024, the aged inventory surcharge for inventory stored between 271 to 365 days will increase. Surcharges will remain unchanged for inventory stored between 181 to 270 days, and inventory stored 365 days or more.

Prior to February 15, 2024
Inventory assessment date Items aged 181-210 days Items aged 211-240 days Items aged 241-270 days Items aged 271-300 days Items aged 301-330 days Items aged 331-365 days Items aged 365 days or more
Monthly (15th of every month) $0.50 per cubic foot (excluding certain items)* $1.00 per cubic foot (excluding certain items)* $1.50 per cubic foot (excluding certain items)* $3.80 per cubic foot $4.00 per cubic foot $4.20 per cubic foot $6.90 per cubic foot or $0.15 per unit, whichever is greater

February 15, 2024 and after
Inventory assessment date Items aged 181-210 days Items aged 211-240 days Items aged 241-270 days Items aged 271-300 days Items aged 301-330 days Items aged 331-365 days Items aged 365 days or more
Monthly (15th of every month) $0.50 per cubic foot (excluding certain items)* $1.00 per cubic foot (excluding certain items)* $1.50 per cubic foot (excluding certain items)* $5.45 per cubic foot $5.70 per cubic foot $5.90 per cubic foot $6.90 per cubic foot or $0.15 per unit, whichever is greater

*Excluding items listed under the clothing, shoes, bags, jewelry, and watches categories

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible for the storage utilization surcharge?

The storage utilization surcharge only applies to sellers with Professional accounts and a storage utilization ratio above 22 weeks. Inventory aged between 0 and 30 days is excluded from the surcharge.

The following sellers will not receive a storage utilization surcharge and will only receive the base monthly inventory storage fee rate:

  • Sellers with Professional accounts and a storage utilization ratio below or at 22 weeks
  • New sellers, for the first 365 days after the first inventory-received date
  • Sellers with Individual accounts
  • Sellers with an average daily inventory volume of less than 25 cubic feet

How is the storage utilization ratio calculated?

Your storage utilization ratio is the ratio of your average daily inventory volume stored divided by the average daily shipped volume during the past 13 weeks. For more information, go to Storage utilization surcharge.

How can I avoid the storage utilization surcharge?

You can reduce your storage utilization ratio and minimize or avoid the surcharge by reducing your stored inventory volume. You can improve your sell-through rate, request a liquidation order, or request a return or disposal order through a removal order.You can also refer to the Monthly inventory Storage Fee report to see which products historically drive your storage costs.

Will the storage utilization surcharge apply to products auto-replenished by Amazon Warehousing and Distribution (AWD)?

No. Products that are auto-replenished by Amazon Warehousing and Distribution (AWD) are eligible for a storage utilization surcharge waiver. For a product to become eligible for the waiver 70% or more of the FBA inventory units must be auto-replenished in the past 13 weeks. This Auto-Replenishment Ratio (ARR) will be calculated daily for each product. Run a FBA Surcharge Waiver Status report to confirm the status (Waived/Not Waived) of each product.

How will using AWD to auto-replenish products impact my storage utilization ratio?

On the last day of the month, we’ll remove any products that are auto-replenished with AWD and meet the above waiver requirements before we calculate your storage utilization ratio. For example, all eligible products as of June 30, 2024, will be removed from your storage utilization ratio calculation for June 2024.
