The Manage Inventory gives you access to the most important Seller Central features.
To access the Manage Inventory, go to Seller Central and select Manage All Inventory on the Inventory tab.
Once you identify the product, you can edit basic information about the listing, such as price and quantity, by clicking Edit on the right side of each listing information.
You can also add product images. For more information, go to Manage your offers one at a time.
Here are some more important pages: List Products for Fulfillment by Amazon, Match low price, or Stop selling a product. For more information on adding new products, go to Add one product at a time.
For details on the product variation, go to Add a variation using Variation Wizard page. Additionally, on the Manage inventory page, you can edit multiple listing information in bulk. For more details, go to Manage your offers in bulk.
The Listing quality dashboard is also accessible from the Manage Inventory. Use this tool to identify and fix listing issues affecting discoverability, detail page experience, and customer returns. Go to Listing quality dashboard for more details.