Error 11003
Este artigo se aplica a vendas em: United States

Error 11003

Unexpected value for parent SKU [%s]. For help with this error, see

This error occurs when your data associates a child product with a parent item other than its current parent. You cannot associate a child product with a new parent item without first deleting its relationship to an existing parent.

Common reasons why this error may have occurred include the following:

  • You made a mistake in entering the SKU for either the child product or the parent item.
  • You have not deleted the parent/child relationship between this product and its current parent item.

If you received this error after uploading an inventory file, please see Special Considerations in Modify My Inventory File for more information on how to delete a parent/child relationship.

If you received this error after posting a relationships feed (XML), please see Deleting a Relationship in Relationships Feed Overview for more information on how to delete a parent/child relationship.

When you have deleted the existing parent/child relationship, you will then be able to create the new parent/child relationship.
