This article applies to selling in: United States
Create variations using product templates
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You can use product templates to create variations, such as color and size, of the product that you want to sell.
Note: Not all related products are valid variations. Amazon reserves the right to remove the newly-created variations, families, or children that are added to a variation family that do not comply with certain standards. Variation families with more than 2,000 child ASINs will not be displayed on the detail page.
To create variations by using a product template, follow these steps:
From the Catalog drop-down menu, select Add Products via Upload.
Click the Download spreadsheet tab.
Click Download product spreadsheet.
Choose the category of the product that you want to create the variation with and the store for the product to be listed.
Choose the language of the template and download the appropriate product template.
Refer to the Valid values tab in the template to see what variation themes are available.
Note: If no variation theme is listed, you cannot create a product with variations in that category.
In the product template, create parent and child SKUs.
For the parent item, do the following:
Enter values for required fields, including Seller SKU.
Leave Parent SKU blank.
Enter "parent" in the Parentage column and select a valid value from the drop-down menu for Variation theme.
Enter the item name, product description, and bullet points.
Leave Relationship type blank.
Leave all other non-required fields blank.
For each child item, do the following:
Enter values for required fields.
Fill in the Parent SKU field by using the value from the parent's SKU (value will be the same for all child items).
Enter "child" in the Parentage column, and enter the "variation" in the Relationship type column.
In the Variation theme column, select the same value that you chose for variation theme on the parent (value will be the same for all child items).
Enter values in attribute column or columns that are related to the variation theme (for example, if the variation theme is flavor-size, you must enter valid values in the "flavor" and "size" fields for each child item).
Ensure that the Product Type is consistent across all child SKUs and the parent SKU of the variation family.
Enter values in other optional fields.
Upload the completed product file by following these steps:
From the Catalog drop-down menu, select Add Products via Upload.
Click the Upload your spreadsheet tab.
Browse to locate the product file you want to upload, then click Submit products.