Change a product’s category or browse path
This article applies to selling in: United States

Change a product’s category or browse path

Category, browse path and its importance

At Amazon, we define a category as the implementation of a merchandising theme. Each category is a collection of products called ASIN that is grouped together and placed on the website for merchandising purposes.

A product category determines what restrictions may be placed on selling products in that category as well as define applicable fees. For example, in the books browse tree, textbooks would be a category.

Example of a browse tree

Browse node

A browse node is a named location in a hierarchical structure that is used for navigation, product classification, and website content.

Browse tree

Browse trees are groups of browse nodes arranged in a hierarchical structure. Generally, each product line is the root and the browse tree expand into different categories. This browse experience enables customer’s discovery of products by organizing Amazon’s product selection into a structure so that customers can easily locate a product.

Browse path

The browse path is the hierarchical path which leads to a browse node starting with the root node. A node can have multiple paths.

In the following example, a product in Baby Boy’s Hats and Caps with a browse node ID of 2478444011 could have two browse paths. One from a root node of Baby Products and a second from a root node of Clothing, Shoes and Jewelry.

Node ID Browse path
2478444011 Baby Products/Apparel & Accessories/Baby Boys/Accessories/Hats & Caps
2478444011 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry/Baby/Baby Boys/Accessories/Hats & Caps

Keywords used in search will direct customers to a browse category node, which represents a collection of items for sale. Alternatively, customers can browse through the nodes to find the collection of items that interest them. In both cases, Amazon browse trees determine what customer see, and customers will then make their buying decisions after seeing the search results at the specific node.

By changing a product’s item type keyword you can assign it to a different category, that is a different part of the browse tree.

By changing a product’s recommended browse node you can assign it to a different category, that is a different part of the browse tree.

Note: Title, bullet points, and product description are three key attributes used for product classification. High quality information in these attributes is critical for optimal classification.


A refinement represents a characteristic or facet specific to the products in a browse node and enables an enhanced shopping experience which allows a customer to narrow the product selection to assist in making a buying decision.

For example, we have a refinement that represents a facet as broad as "Scent" which may be mapped to multiple category nodes, such as "Candles" and "Home Fragrance". To learn more about refinement nodes, you can download different category browse tree guides from Inventory file templates, style guides, and browse tree guides. Each browse tree guide template has a sheet named Refinements.

Note: For the refinement to work correctly, it is important that the correct category node is assigned. Each browse tree guide template has a sheet named Refinements.

Change browse path, node or category for a single or multiple product

Sellers with an individual or professional selling plan can submit a category change on a product using the following steps.

Follow these steps to download the browse tree guides to gather more information about the new browse node before submitting a category change:

  1. Go to Inventory file templates, style guides, and browse tree guides.
  2. Download the applicable browse tree guide from the link in the table.
  3. Follow the instructions in the guide and choose the categories and subcategories for your products.

Note: Use the corresponding browse node IDs when you upload your inventory template file. This is only for sellers with professional selling plan.

Follow these steps to submit a category change:

  1. From the Inventory drop-down menu, go to Manage All Inventory.
  2. Search for the listing by ASIN, SKU, or title, and click Edit listing.
  3. Select Product Details. If you don’t find the Product Details section, click the Suggest changes to product information link to go the section.
  4. Click Edit, and change the browse path and node in the Item Type Keyword field.

Sellers with a professional selling plan have another option to submit a category change on a product using an inventory file template on Add a Product via Upload. To change the category of multiple products by uploading an Inventory file, this option will save time.

Follow these steps to submit a category change using Add a Product via Upload:

  1. Go to Add Products via Upload and select the Download spreadsheet.
  2. Select the applicable template, provide the required details and click Generate Spreadsheet.
  3. Enter your product information and include the new category in the Item Type Keyword field.
  4. Upload the file on the Upload your spreadsheet tab and click Submit products.

Note: Multiple browse node assignments are not supported except in the case of media ASINs and items such as unisex items.

If you are unable to update the category using the Self-service tool, Add a Product via Upload, or Inventory file, contact us and provide the required details on the category change. We will review your proposed changes and get back to you.

Note: Ensure that the product is listed and active in your selling account before submitting a request to update the category.

If you are not listing the product but notice that a listing has violated ASIN creation policy or the rules for a product detail page, go to Report abuse.
