ASIN creation policy
This article applies to selling in: United States

ASIN creation policy

To create an ASIN, go through the process outlined in our Add Products tool. To sell a product available in the Amazon catalog, match it to the existing ASIN by creating an offer. If your product is not in the Amazon catalog, you will have to create a single new ASIN for the product.

In addition, new ASINs created for certain brands must adhere to the following requirements to maintain product integrity:

  • The ASIN created must be an active product and not a discontinued product from sellers with a selling role (Brand Representative or Reseller) assigned in the brand.
  • The ASIN created must be offered by sellers with a selling role (Brand Representative or Reseller) assigned in the brand, available in other retail stores, or sold directly by the them from their Direct to Consumer (DTC) website.
  • Sellers should not list non-standard multipacks that are not offered by sellers with a selling role (Brand Representative or Reseller) assigned in the brand.
  • Sellers must follow the additional guidelines in the Product Bundling policy to create bundles that include consumables products in the grocery, gourmet food, pet, baby, health and household, personal care, beauty or luxury beauty products categories.

ASIN creation by sellers without a selling role assigned in the brand

To protect the customer shopping experience, we limit the creation of new ASINs for a brand enrolled in Brand Registry by sellers who do not have a selling role assigned in the brand.

ASIN creation limit

To protect the onsite shopping experience for our customers, we limit the number of listings (new ASINs) that you can create in a given week until you establish a sales history with Amazon. As you increase your sales, your capacity will increase. We encourage you to prioritize the products you are listing to increase your sales quickly.

Please note, if you have created a high number of new listings, we retain the right to temporarily suspend your ability to create new listings. This temporary suspension will be automatically lifted at 00:00 GMT on the first day of each week (Sunday), enabling you to resume creating new listings within the designated capacity.

If you think your listing creation privileges have been removed in error, contact Selling Partner Support.

Listing creation limit

To ensure the Amazon product catalog remains focused on discoverability and customer demand, we may have to limit your ability to create new listings if your existing catalog contains a large number of listings that are not generating sales. This is done through the listing creation limit, which restricts the number of new listings you can add to your catalog.

If the number of listings in your catalog exceeds our threshold, your ability to create new listings will be restricted until you reduce your catalog size.

We evaluate your catalog daily against the listing creation limit policies. This may result in updates to the listing creation threshold or reinstatement of your creation ability, depending on your product listing deletions or an improvement in sales performance. For more information, go to "Delete product and listing" section in Stop selling a product.

You can expect to receive relevant communications about the listing creation limit through emails and Cards on Seller Central Homepage. This will include warnings about approaching listing creation restrictions, notifications of actual enforcement of the listing creation limits, and communications about the reinstatement of your listing creation ability.

If you believe your listing creation privileges have been removed in error, contact Selling Partner Support.

Variation policy

Variations are sets of products that are related to one another. Good variation relationship listings allow buyers to compare and choose products based on different attributes such as size, color, or other characteristics from the available options on a single product detail page. For more information, go to Variation Relationship Overview.

The following prohibited practices are misuses of variations, either of the parent ASIN or in parent-child relationships. These practices create a negative customer experience and can result in your ASIN creation or selling privileges being temporarily or permanently removed:

  • Changing the product’s detail page (parent or child) to become fundamentally different from the original product listed
  • Changing the parent product's detail page so it does not match the children
  • Adding incorrect child variations that are not true variations of the parent product. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Adding products that are fundamentally different from the parent ASIN
    • Adding products images and/or names that are that are fundamentally different from the parent ASIN
    • Adding products that are newer versions or models of the parent ASIN
  • Adding multi-pack variations that aren’t manufacturer-created to an already existing parent
    • If you’ve created a multi-pack listing that is not directly sold by the manufacturer, you must match your listing to an identical multi-pack product detail page. If an identical multi-pack detail page doesn’t exist, you must create a new product detail page with its own unique UPC.
    • Adding multi-pack children by bundling two or more of the same manufacturer products, that is, bundling two three-packs to create a package quantity of six. Multi-pack children must be packaged by the manufacturer. If a customer wants to buy two or more of the same product, they can select that quantity for purchase. For more information, refer to the Product bundling policy.


ASIN creation policy

  • Error Code 5461 and approval requirements
  • Error Code 90004875
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