It can take up to 24 hours after adding an image for it to appear on Amazon.
Note: Uploading an image doesn't guarantee that it will be displayed. When images are received from multiple sellers, Amazon will select the images that meet the style guides and standards, providing the best experience for customers. It means that we may select images that are different from those provided by sellers with a
selling role (Brand Representative or Reseller) assigned in the brand.
Follow the guidelines provided in Product image requirements to ensure your images are eligible to be displayed. If images don't meet the product images requirements, we will likely prevent them from being displayed in the store.
If your product's images don't meet the content requirements or they violate the Selling policies and seller code of conduct, we may remove or modify any image (example, removing a watermark) that doesn't meet the guidelines or suppress product listing from search until you provide compliant images.
When you upload images, ensure that you have the main image. If a listing is missing the main image, our system will not display in the store.
Duplicate images: If you're uploading the same set of images as the previous set, the system may detect the submission as duplicate, therefore your contribution will remain unchanged. When updating images, make sure that they reflect changes associated with the product image requirements, so that our system can detect a change (for example, a change in the image size).
If your listing is part of a variation family, we will automatically pick one child product. For example, if your product is a black T-shirt offered in different sizes, we will pick the images from one of the black t-shirt sizes. These images will then be displayed on all size variations of this black t-shirt.
Note: To troubleshoot images, verify that your images were submitted properly. If, after verification, the images still do not appear, contact Selling Partner Support and report a technical support issue. The troubleshooting steps you take depend on your submission method.
Troubleshoot images
Review the guidance provided in Upload images in Image Manager.
It takes up to 24 hours for an image to be displayed. If it has been more than 24 hours since you have uploaded your images, then move to step 5. Otherwise, check again after 24 hours.
Your image might not be displayed because it does not meet the product image requirements or Technical image file requirements.
You can view the status of all images you uploaded (global/US-specific and/or country-specific) in the status report. For more information on products removed from search due to image issues, go to the content compliance report and refer to Image issues.
As we are continuously improving our image selection process, we may not yet indicate all the reasons why your image has not been selected. If you believe the current selection is incorrect, contact Amazon services for technical support (go to the Getting additional technical support section below).
Troubleshoot images with inventory files
An inventory file allows you to specify a location from which we retrieve a copy of your product images. However, errors in your inventory file can block us from successfully retrieving the product images.
This section lists some common errors that are related to the image:
Symptom |
Reason |
Resolution |
Product image does not appear on Amazon |
The most common reason is that the URL for that image does not actually capture the product image |
Verify the image URL and re-submit the product image feed |
Amazon rejects the image. |
The most common reason is that the submitted image is encoded in an invalid format. We can only accept images in .jpg, .tif, or .gif formats. |
Convert the file to .jpg, .tif, or .gif, revise the product image feed file, and re-submit the product image feed. |
For more information about correcting invalid image URL error, go to Error 15.
Note: You must use a direct URL. A pop-up or a redirecting URL will not be accepted, and the upload will not be processed.
If you use inventory files to manage your products, do the following:
Check your inventory file processing reports for errors. For more information, go to Review processing reports or How do I read processing report?.
Modify your inventory file to correct errors within the processing report. For more information about errors, go to Error code explanations.
Upload your modified inventory file. For more information, go to Upload your inventory file.
Repeat the steps until your inventory file does not contain errors.
Allow up to 24 hours for your images to appear.
Getting additional technical support
If you have followed the troubleshooting steps above and your product images still appear to be missing, contact Selling Partner Support.
In your message, include the following:
The troubleshooting steps that you have already taken.
The method you use for managing your product and inventory data. Batch ID, in case you used troubleshooting steps with Inventory files.
The ASIN for each product without a product image.