Return Confirmation E-mail
இந்தப் பொருள் இங்கு விற்பனை செய்வதற்குப் பொருந்தும்: United States

Return Confirmation E-mail

Subject: Returns received for Amazon order from [seller name]

Dear [buyer's full name],

We've received the below listed items from your [seller name] order placed on [purchase date].

Amazon Order #: [order ID]

The following items were received from the above order:

[return quantity] of [product name]

We have initiated a refund of [refund total value] for this order through Amazon on [refund inititation date]. The refund should be credited to your account within two to three business days. You can expect a separate notification about this from Amazon.

Questions? If you have questions about this order, including the status of your refund, you can either visit "" or reply to this email to get in touch directly with [seller name].

Thank you for shopping with [seller name] at Amazon.

[seller name]


  • Seller name: your business name used in Seller Central.
  • Buyer's full name: full name of the buyer. Found in the Orders Report.
  • Purchase date: date when the order was placed. Found in the Orders Report or SSN email.
  • Order ID: unique Amazon order identification number. Found in the Orders Report or SSN e-mail.
  • Return quantity: quantity of item received.
  • Product name: name of the item received.
  • Refund total value: the amount of the refund posted.
  • Refund initiation date: Date when the adjustment information was successfully sent to Amazon, either through an adjustment feed or using the Manage Your Orders feature in Seller Central.
