Order Unavailable E-mail
本商品可在以下國家/地區銷售:United States

Order Unavailable E-mail

Subject: Your Amazon Order from [seller name] could not be shipped

Dear [buyer's full name],

We are sorry to inform you that we could not ship your [seller name] order listed below that was placed on [purchase date] because we are temporarily out of stock. Your order has been cancelled and you have not been charged.

Amazon Order #: [order ID]

[quantity purchased] of [product name]

Questions? If you have questions about this order, you can either visit "http://www.amazon.com/gp/css/history/view.html" or reply to this email to get in touch directly with [seller name].

Thank you for shopping with [seller name] at Amazon.

[seller name]


  • Seller name: your business name used in Seller Central.
  • Buyer's full name: full name of the buyer. Found in the Orders Report.
  • Purchase date: date when the order was placed. Found in the Orders Report or SSN email.
  • Order ID: unique Amazon order identification number. Found in the Orders Report or SSN e-mail.
  • Quantity purchased: quantity of item not available
  • Product name: name of the item not available
