If your product does not have a product ID, also called a GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), you might be eligible to request a GTIN exemption.
First, check the Amazon catalog to see if your product already exists. If your product matches an existing product, you can add your offer on the existing product detail page without a GTIN. However, if your product does not match an existing product, you may be eligible to request a GTIN exemption and then add your product.
Before you request a GTIN exemption
GTIN exemptions are not available for brands that already provide GS1-approved barcodes on their products. Even if you have a GTIN exemption for a certain category, you will not be able to list one of these branded products without a product ID.
Here are some scenarios when you can apply for a GTIN exemption:
You want to sell products for which the brand, manufacturer, or publisher does not provide a GTIN. For example, private-label products or handmade products.
You want to sell products for which you are the manufacturer, brand, or publisher and you do not have barcodes on your products. For example, private-label products or handmade products.
You want to sell product parts that do not have a GTIN. For example, automotive parts or mobile accessories.
You want to sell a bundled pack of more than one product. For example, a pack containing a leather belt and wallet or a pack of two shirts.
Note: 2. If the categories you are planning to list in are restricted, you will also need category-level approval in addition to a GTIN exemption to start listing products. If you do not have this approval already, go to Overview of Categories for more information on category-level approvals and apply accordingly.
Request a GTIN exemption
Before you apply, ensure you have the following details in place:
Product name or title and images showing all sides of your product unless a 6-sided image cannot exist (for example, a scarf) and the packaging of the product. If your product is a printed book, you must also include images (with the dust jacket if it has one) of the inside front and inside back cover of the book.
Note: If your product is a published book, it must have a publisher name. For example, you must not use "Generic" as the publisher or manufacturer name.
Ensure the guidelines below are met:
The brand or publisher name entered during the application process should be an exact match to the brand or publisher name on the product or packaging of the product.
Images should be real-world pictures of the products, meaning that the product and packaging can be held or placed on a table while you capture the image. Not computer generated, and free of digital enhancements.
Product pictures provided in the application should be auditable and not blurry or truncated. The text in the images, like the brand, must be legible.
Branding or publisher must be permanently affixed on the packaging or printed on the product.
Products should not have a GS1-approved barcode or ISBN available on the product or packaging of the product. If a GS1 barcode or product ID is available (GTIN/UPC/EAN/JAN/ISBN), you can use it as the product ID to list products instead of applying for a GTIN exemption.
Product images should match the category that you selected for GTIN exemption.
Once you have your product images, follow the steps below to apply for a GTIN exemption.
Go to Catalog, and select Add products. On List your products, enter your product title into the search bar and submit it. If your product is not listed go to Create listing one at a time.
In the Product identity section, fill in the product name and choose the category and product type for which you want to request a GTIN exemption.
In the Brand name field, enter the brand name. For unbranded items and bundles, select the This product does not have a brand name checkbox.
Next, select the I don't have a product ID checkbox and click Next. If an exemption is required, the button Apply now will surface. If an exemption is not required, you will be able to continue to the next tab where you may be informed that you have been exempted to list without a product ID.
Click Apply now and complete the application form. If your product is not eligible for exemption, you will not be able to continue further.
Click Submit.
You will receive an email within 48 hours regarding the approval status of your request. Alternatively, you can check the status of your request in your case log.
During the application process you may encounter the following errors. Go to each of the following pages for more information on the error and how to resolve it:
Watch this video to learn more about adding listings after you get your GTIN exemption:
Things to remember:
After you have applied for a GTIN exemption, check the status of your request in your case log.
Once you receive a GTIN exemption, wait 30 minutes before adding your product in the same way you would while listing with a GTIN. Our system will identify the GTIN exemption and allow you to proceed without a GTIN (product ID).
In certain cases, category-level approvals may be required in addition to GTIN exemption approvals to start listing products on Seller Central. In case you are unable to list products using an approved GTIN exemption, we recommend that you check if you are already approved to list in that particular category. If you do not have this approval already, go to Overview of categories for more information on category-level approvals and apply accordingly.
For the exemption to work, be sure to enter the Category and Brand/Publisher name exactly as they appear in your exemption approval notice. If you use a different case or insert additional characters or spaces, the system will not recognize your exemption.
After approval, you can leave Product ID and Product ID Type columns blank.
You can re-apply for an exemption in case you have taken a GTIN exemption under an incorrect brand name or category.
A GTIN exemption is only given to list products without a product ID. You may be required to obtain additional brand approval to list your products.
You will have to apply for the GTIN exemption each time you want to list under a different brand or category.
There are two ways to add your products in Seller Central:
Add Products (one by one): For Individual and Professional sellers
Go to Add one product at a time for detailed instructions on how to use this tool. With your GTIN exemption, you do not need to enter anything in the Product ID and Product ID Type fields in the Vital Info
Note: Ensure that the category under which you are listing is non-restricted or you have already taken the required approval. For more information on categories that require approval, go to Overview of categories.
Go to Catalog > Add Products > click 'I am adding a product not sold on Amazon' and enter the product details.
If there is no product ID (barcode, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN) on your product or the packaging, then you can apply for a GTIN exemption to add your products without the product ID.
After you receive a GTIN exemption, wait for 30 minutes before listing your products.
When you are ready to add listings, click 'I am adding a product not sold on Amazon' and select the exact product type in which a GTIN exemption has been approved.
Begin adding the brand name for which you have the exemption. After you add a valid brand name, the Product ID field will not be highlighted in red, which means that it is optional.
Fill in the product-related information. Fields highlighted in red are required. If needed, select the Advanced View option at the top right to add any other required details. After the mandatory attributes are filled in, Save and Finish at the bottom will change from gray to teal.
Note: If your product is unbranded, such as a bundle, check the checkbox ‘This product does not have a brand name.’ Then, the Brand field will be disabled and “Generic” will be displayed.
Go to Add your products using inventory files for detailed instructions on how to use this tool. With your GTIN exemption, fill in the Is exempt from supplier declared external product identifier column as Yes, and leave the Product ID and Product ID Type columns blank in the template.
Go to Catalog > Add Products via Upload > Download spreadsheet and click Get Product Template under List Products that are not currently in Amazon's catalog tab.
Select the store under Go to generate template by Marketplace.
Go to the Search tool section and type the product type that you want to list.
As of now, only fashion jewelry does not require a UPC exemption.
After you have selected all your relevant nodes, click the type of template you want to generate and click Generate Template.
Alternatively, if you want to fill in category-specific downloadable file, then download the required category file by clicking this link. Remember to fill in the product feed type, fill the column Is exempt from supplier declared external product identifier as Yes and leave the Product ID and Product ID Type column blank in the downloadable file. The brand name entered should be the same as the brand name used to get a GTIN exemption.
Note: GTIN exemptions granted after August 24, 2018, will not expire. If your exemption was approved before this date, re-apply. Check for existing GTIN exemptions in your case log.