Through New Seller Incentives, new sellers on Amazon’s Professional selling plan can qualify for a suite of benefits designed to help them launch and grow on Amazon, including benefits related to brand registry, Fulfillment by Amazon, and advertising. For more information, go to New Seller Incentives terms and conditions. Additional terms and conditions may apply for the Sponsored Products benefit.
New sellers who complete brand registry within six months of listing the first offer and are identified as the first selling partner with a Brand Representative role assigned to a brand with Amazon Brand Registry qualify for these benefits:
New sellers whose first FBA shipment is received at an Amazon fulfillment center within 90 days of listing their offer qualify for these benefits:
New sellers who use Sponsored Products and Amazon coupons within 90 days of listing their offer qualify for these benefits:
For more information, review these additional resources:
You can check your credits on the New seller Incentives dashboard. See below for additional details on timing of benefit disbursement.
Brand representative's bonus: Each month, you’ll earn a bonus amount equivalent to 10% on the first $50,000 in eligible branded sales, followed by 5% on the next $950,000 in eligible branded sales shipped the month before. The amount will be applied as a credit to the referral fees on next month’s referral fees at the order level.
When payments cover the entire referral fee on a given order, the bonus will be applied in the background, and the referral fee section will not be shown as a separate line item in the transaction. You can track the total bonus accumulated to date on the New Seller Incentives dashboard. The earned bonus expires 12 months after you graduate from the program. You graduate by either reaching the earnings cap or completing the one-year eligibility period.
Vine credits: You must an enroll ASIN in the Vine program within 90 days of becoming eligible for brand benefits (the later of when you completed Brand Registry enrollment and listed your first offer) to get vine credits. The credits will start applying to ASINs that are enrolled in Vine 5 days or more after you become eligible for the brand benefits. Credits expire after one year if unused. Refer to the New seller incentives FAQ section for more details.
Inventory shipping and fulfillment fee credits: You can get credits for either inventory shipping fees or fulfillment fees, depending on whether you create your first shipment with the Amazon Partnered Carrier program or Amazon Global Logistics or Amazon Seller Export and Delivery (SEND).
Credits will be provided after the first shipment is received at the fulfillment center and will be used to waive future fees. It can take at least 10 days for the credits to be applied to your account. You can check your credits on the New seller Incentives dashboard. Credits expire after one year if unused.
Inbound placement fee credits: After eligibility is determined, the credits will be used to offset the fees charged for placing your inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers until the credits are exhausted. It can take at least 10 days for the credits to be applied to your account before they can be used to waive future fees. The credits expire after one year if unused.
For sellers who meet the eligibility conditions and listed their first offer between January 1 and March 1, 2024, the benefit will expire one year from March 1, 2024, or when the eligibility is determined, whichever comes later.
Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) discounts: After eligibility is determined, discounts on eligible MCF orders will automatically apply for the first 100 units shipped. The discount expires after one year of becoming eligible if unused. Full-price MCF fees will be charged for units shipped after the first 100 units shipped or after the one-year period.
Sponsored Products promotional clicks: After eligibility is determined, you’ll see the promotional click credits via the Campaign Manager. It can take up to two weeks for the credits to be applied after you've completed the required eligibility steps. Any unused promotional click credits will expire 30 days after they’ve been applied to your account.
Amazon coupons credits: After eligibility is determined, these credits will be applied to your fees charged for creating coupons. The credits expire after one year if unused.
There are three main reasons why your Vine credits are not utilized even after receiving them:
On the other hand, if you enroll your first ASIN on November 6th, 2024 (i.e., 5 days after brand bonus eligible date of November 1st, 2024), you’ll get Vine credits and will not be charged for Vine enrollment fee.
Yes, you'll always be charged for the placement fee on your first shipment because credits are only disbursed after your first shipment is received at the fulfillment center.
Any shipments that are created or sent before your first shipment received date will be charged for ‘FBA Inbound Placement Service Fee’.
Yes, you'll always be charged for the inventory shipping fee on your first shipment because credits are only disbursed after your first shipment is received at the fulfillment center.
Any shipments that are created or sent before your first shipment received date will be charged for ‘Inventory shipping fee’.