You can issue a refund either after the product is returned or, if you are allowing the buyer to keep the product (returnless refund), you can issue a refund immediately. If you authorize a return request or a buyer has requested a tax-only refund and you want to refund the order, you can choose from several Refund options.
If there are multiple items in a single order, you can issue a refund for just one of them. Both the Refund Orders tool on the Order Detail page and the Order Adjustments feed enable you to issue full and partial refunds for each item in an order.
If you want the product returned, we encourage you to wait until you receive it before issuing a refund, so you can evaluate its return condition. To foster positive customer experience, actively monitor the refund to ensure that it is issued to the buyer in a timely manner. To set up your return instructions, go to Returns Settings.
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