Image issues
This article applies to selling in: United States

Image issues

When you upload your image files, we check them to confirm that they meet technical file requirements. Files that don't meet these requirements aren’t uploaded to your listings.

Additionally, if the images on your product listings are found to be non-compliant with Amazon's policies, including the product detail page rules, the product listings may be removed from search until you provide a compliant image. For more information on possible image issues and how to fix them, go to the following pages:

Note: Images for product detail pages may be sourced from multiple contributors, to ensure that customers see the best images that are available and to improve the shopping experience. You can always upload additional images to your listings. To give your images the highest chance of being displayed on the detail page, be sure that they comply with our product image requirements.

To prevent the ASIN from being suppressed from the Amazon website, replace the main image in the listing instead of deleting it.

Reason for image suppression (issue reason) Required action Affected image
Text, logo, graphics, or watermarks Main image has text, logo, graphic, or watermark. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image
Non-white background Main image has a background that is not pure white (RGB 255 255 255). Submit a compliant image to lift the suppression. Any main image
Image missing Main image is missing or incorrect. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image
Additional items Main image has additional items which are not permitted for this product type. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image
Cropped product Main image has a portion of the product cropped (missing). Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image
Product not outside of packaging or has package tags Main image has your product in packaging, or brand or swing tags. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image
Propping Main image has props that are inside your product, or obscure or surround your product. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image
Blurriness or pixelation Product image is blurred or pixelated. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression Any image
Product too small Product image is too small in the image frame. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any image
Prurience Product image is prurient. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any image
Multiple product images Main image has multiple images of a single product. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image in Apparel
Human model Main image has a human model for a non-clothing product. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image in Softlines, such as Kids, Baby, Shoes, Luggage, Watch and Jewelry, except Adult Apparel
Mannequin or hanger Main image has a mannequin or hanger, which is not permitted for this product type. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image in Apparel or Accessories
Model in non-standing position Main image has a model that is not in standing position. Submit a compliant image to lift the image suppression. Any main image of Apparel
Bad ASIN or variant Your file could not be associated with an ASIN or variant. Upload a file that meets naming requirements. Any image
Unsupported file suffix Your file type is not allowed. Upload a file in an accepted format. Any image
Image file was corrupted or in an unexpected format Confirm that your file is smaller than 10,000 pixels on the longest side, is not corrupt, and is in the correct file format (JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF in either RGB or CMYK). Any image
Image dimensions too small Upload a main image that is larger than 500 pixels on its longest side. Images that are larger than 1,000 pixels will enable zoom functionality. Any main image
Authoritative image already exists If a preferred image already exists for your ASIN and variant, your image will not be accepted. Any main image
Resubmission of previously accepted or rejected images This exact image file has already been submitted. If your ASIN still requires an image for this variant, make sure that you are uploading an image that meets requirements. Any image
Unknown internal error An unknown problem occurred. Try to upload again later. Any image
Image with identical ASIN and variant submitted An image will fail to upload if another, newer image was uploaded for the ASIN and variant while your image was still in the process of being uploaded to the site. A newer image takes precedence over older images. Any main image
Image and title do not match (error 100239) The main image does not match the image file name. Make sure that you have uploaded the correct image and the file name is correct. Any main image
Main image and product ID do not match (error 990003) The main image that you've submitted shows a product that is different than the product represented by the ASIN's existing main image. Update the main image in your file to one that shows the same product as the image shown on the product detail page for the ASIN. Any main image

Image issues

  • Text, logo, graphics, and watermarks
  • Prohibited badging and abusive and banned words and graphics
  • Non-white background
  • Cropped Product
  • Product not outside of packaging/has packaging tags
  • Propping
  • Blurriness or Pixelation
  • Product Too Small
  • Prurient
  • Multiple Product Views
  • Human Model
  • Mannequin or hanger
  • Model in non-standing position
  • Bad ASIN or Variant
  • Unsupported File Suffix
  • Image file was corrupted or of an unexpected format
  • Image dimensions too small
  • Unknown Internal Error
  • Image with identical ASIN and variant submitted
  • Resubmission of previously accepted or rejected images
  • Image and title do not match (error 100239)