FBA dashboard
This article applies to selling in: United States

FBA dashboard

The FBA dashboard provides a summarized view of your FBA business, including sales, shipments, inventory, and FBA opportunities. We’ve also created a centralized navigation system that groups your most critical inventory-management pages together, allowing you to navigate between them more easily.

Watch our video for an overview, and read more information below.

Key performance indicator cards

Key performance indicator cards, which are displayed along the top of the page, show your FBA sales ordered, units ordered, order count, and FBA fees at a glance. You can see this data based on the current day (the default option, with about a 15-minute delay); the previous day; the past seven, 30, or 90 days; or a custom date range.

Featured cards

Plan inventory

This card shows your Inventory Performance Index (IPI) score, which measures how efficient and productive you are in managing your FBA inventory. Multiple factors could influence your IPI score, including the following:

  • Excess inventory: The percentage of your FBA units that are identified as excess. An item is considered to be excess if it has over 90 days of supply, based on the forecasted demand.
  • In-stock rate: Percentage of time that your replenishable FBA products have been in stock for the past 30 days, weighted by the number of units sold in the last 60 days.
  • Sell-through: Units that have been shipped over the past 90 days divided by the average number of units on hand in our fulfillment centers during that time period.
  • Stranded inventory: The percentage of your FBA units that are currently not available for purchase on Amazon.


This card summarizes your shipments in the past 120 days and their statuses.

  • Outstanding shipment problems: The number of shipments with problems
  • Shipments with missing tracking IDs: The number of shipments with that are missing tracking information
  • Working shipments: The number of shipments in Working or Ready to ship status
  • In-transit shipments:: The number of shipments that are in Shipped or In-transit status
  • At fulfillment center: The number of shipments that are in Delivered, Checked-in, or Receiving status
  • Closed shipments: The number of shipments that are in Closed status

Aged inventory surcharge

Inventory that has been in a fulfillment center for 181 days or more is subject to the aged inventory surcharge. The fee is assessed on the 15th of each month. This card shows the number of units that would be subject to the aged inventory surcharge and the estimated fee amount as of the next charge date, assuming no further sales. Aged inventory will incur additional fees.

For more information, go to Aged inventory surcharge.

Click the card to go to FBA Inventory, where you can see more details and take action to reduce aged inventory.

Storage utilization ratio

This card shows your storage utilization ratio, which is the ratio of your average daily inventory volume stored divided by the average daily shipped volume over the past 13 weeks. Storage utilization ratio is used to determine the rate for storage utilization surcharge, which is a surcharge on top of the base monthly storage fee.

For more information, go to Monthly inventory storage fees.


FBA opportunities analyzes your catalog and makes recommendations on which ASINs to enroll in various Prime programs, such as FBA.

  • Enroll in FBA: Fulfillment by Amazon programs and services can help you grow your business and reach more customers. With FBA, you send your products to our fulfillment centers, and we'll pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service for those products.

Optimize inventory

This card shows recommended actions for your ASINs to optimize your FBA inventory.

  • Create Outlet deal: Amazon Outlet is becoming the go-to place for customers to shop for highly discounted markdowns, overstock deals, and clearance products.
  • Create removal order: You can remove inventory from a fulfillment center by submitting a removal order.
  • Advertise listing: Advertising through Sponsored Products is a great way to help drive more traffic to your listings.
  • Restock inventory: Your products that could run out of stock in the next 28 days, based on recent sales trends. For more information, go to Restock inventory.

Customer returns

This card shows return rates, return units, and return reasons for your top returned ASINs.

  • Return rate: The total number of units refunded divided by the total number of units ordered across all ASINs in your catalog
  • Returned units: The total number of units for which the customer has initiated a return
  • Breakdown of top return reasons: The top return reasons across all of your returned units as a percentage of all returned units
  • Top Returned ASINs: The top returned ASINs in your catalog based on return units and return rate
  • Return Units/Rate: The number of returned units for the specified ASIN, followed by the return rate for the ASIN
  • Top Return Reason: The top return reason for the specified ASIN

Click the card to go to FBA Returns

Access to FBA dashboard

To learn about accessing the FBA dashboard, go to Add permissions for FBA dashboard and FBA Analytics.


FBA dashboard

  • Add permissions for FBA dashboard and FBA Analytics