Image missing applies to the MAIN image.
If your images violate the Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct, we will suppress the product listing from search. If no image meets the Product image requirements, we may not consider them for display to customers until you provide compliant images. Every product on Amazon must have at least one image that is compliant with our policies and requirements.
If your images violate the Policies for editing detail pages, we will suppress the image. Specifically, you must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This product is materially different from the older version and it must be listed as a new ASIN.
For more information, go to Product detail page rules.
To ensure your images are compliant, before submitting them, review the help pages Product image requirements or Technical image file requirements.