QZ Tray
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QZ Tray

What is QZ Tray?

QZ Tray is a third-party solution that enables One-Click printing. QZ Tray One-Click printing is now integrated with Amazon Buy Shipping. In addition to One-Click printing, this also solves print support for different formats and current state printing issues with Print Connect. To learn about the benefits of utilizing Buy Shipping, go to Use Buy Shipping services.

QZ Tray will allow you to:

  1. Print your shipping labels bought through Buy Shipping with one click
  2. Support different formats of shipping labels to specifically print PDF, ZPL or PNG
  3. Select your preferred printer and assign different printers to each format

Why do you need QZ Tray?

The current state print solution, Print Connect, does not support multiple formats. Therefore, additional steps are required to convert the label format to a print-ready version. In addition, printing is a multi-step process, which also results in issues if one or all of the steps fail. In order to make the printing process seamless and effortless for sellers, we identified QZ Tray as the best solution to enhance a seller's experience.

Do I need to uninstall Print Connect to use QZ Tray?

If you are currently using Print Connect, you do not need to uninstall Print Connect to install and use QZ Tray. However, all new sellers will be defaulted to QZ Tray only. Amazon plans to eventually deprecate Print Connect. The timelines for this deprecation are not decided yet.

QZ Tray support

QZ Tray is a third-party solution that has been integrated with Amazon Buy Shipping. This means there are some aspects of QZ Tray that are not directly built and maintained by Amazon. However, we are committed to helping sellers have the best experience with all the tools we implement, so if you are having any trouble with QZ Tray, first refer to the troubleshooting and guidance section on this help page. If your issue continues, then open a Selling Partner Support ticket.

Note: Some issues could take more time to resolve as we collaborate with the QZ Tray team.

For any other issues related to label printing and Buy Shipping features, reach out to Amazon Selling Partner Support. For more information, view the troubleshooting section or go to Use Buy Shipping services.

To ensure our support team can assist you, we recommend gathering the following pieces of information before contacting Selling Partner Support:

  • Information on order ID, timestamp, time zone, store, and seller ID of the order
  • Operating System (OS) of your device (for example, Windows, Mac, and so on), browser you are using (for example, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and so on), model and brand of the printer used to print the label, and label format selected
  • Error messages that you see (if any)
  • Screenshots of the issue (if any)

System requirements

QZ Tray works with the Mac OS, Windows and Linux operating systems. See the list of supported operating system and internet browser versions below. For more information, refer to QZ Tray's website

Supported operating systems:

Operating System Minimum Version
Mac OS X OS X 10.7 Lion or higher
Microsoft Windows Windows XP or higher
Linux Ubuntu 12.04 Precise or higher

Supported browsers:

Web Browser Minimum Version
Safari Safari 6.0.3 or higher
Firefox Firefox 31 or higher
Chrome Chrome 31 or higher
Internet Explorer IE 10 or higher
Microsoft Edge 20.x or higher

Installation on Windows OS

If you are a Windows OS user with the above supported version, follow the steps below for installation of QZ Tray One-Click printing.

  1. On Seller Central, go to the Manage Orders page
  2. Click Buy Shipping to go to the Buy Shipping page
  3. On the Buy Shipping page, scroll to the bottom where you will see a QZ Tray logo, click Download
  4. You will be asked to be redirected to QZ Tray external site, click Confirm
  5. On the QZ Tray site, click the QZ Tray download icon to begin downloading
  6. A pop-up screen will appear, click Save File
  7. Go to your downloads and Open the downloaded application. A pop-up screen may ask you “do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device”, click Yes
  8. The QZ Tray Setup guide will appear, click Next
  9. Select a folder to install QZ Tray and then click Install
  10. Once the installation finalizes, click Close

Installation on Mac OS

If you are a Mac OS user with the supported version listed under Systems Requirement, follow the following steps for installation of QZ Tray One-Click printing.

  1. On Seller Central, go to the Manage Orders page
  2. Click Buy Shipping to go to the Buy Shipping page
  3. On the Buy Shipping page, scroll to the bottom where you will see a QZ Tray logo, click Download
  4. You will be asked to be redirected to QZ Tray external site, click Confirm
  5. On the QZ Tray site, click the QZ Tray download icon to begin downloading
  6. A pop-up screen will appear, click Save File
  7. Click on the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions
  8. Once the installation finalizes, Click Close

Printer setup

Upon successful installation of QZ Tray One-Click printing as described above, you have to connect your printer to the QZ Tray software. Below are the steps for printer setup.

  1. Return to the Buy Shipping page after installing QZ Tray. You will notice the One-Click-Printer option is enabled with a default setting of “None”, indicating that you still haven’t selected a printer
    Note: If you are not seeing the One-Click Printer dropdown, refresh the web page and it should appear.
  2. Click the One-Click-Printer dropdown to select from your connected printers
  3. When QZ Tray is still trying to connect, it will show Searching for Printers in the dropdown.
  4. In order to configure printer preferences (such as default printer for all label printing), follow the steps below:
    1. Go to Printer Preferences at the bottom of the Buy Shipping page
    2. A pop-up with printer preferences for each type of label format will appear with default setting of “None” for each label format
    3. Select your preferred printer from all the connected printers present in each type of label format dropdown
    4. Now you will see your selected preferences in the One-Click-Printer dropdown

Label print orientation

Label orientation may be different for different carriers. In some cases, carrier label orientation is not present with Buy Shipping. You can select from the predefined label orientation, but you cannot customize orientation of such labels using QZ Tray on Buy Shipping. In order to change the printing orientation of the label:

  1. On the Buy Shipping page, select the carrier you will use
  2. Click Label print orientation to choose a different layout from the predetermined options
  3. If you would like to further customize the label print orientation, choose None in the One-Click-Printer dropdown, and then click Buy Shipping. Once the label opens, you can configure your printing orientation without QZ Tray.

QZ Tray: Troubleshooting

Note that for all existing sellers, that have Print Connect installed, Print Connect will continue to be a default option. That is, in case of any QZ Tray issues, the system will default to Print Connect (if installed) or normal printing (if Print Connect is not installed) to allow sellers to continue with the Label Printing feature.

Verify Setup

If you encounter issues while using QZ Tray, verify the options below to ensure the application is set up correctly.

Verify Installation

  1. Check if the One-Click-Printer option on the Buy Shipping page shows “You do not have one click printing installed”
  2. If the QZ Tray application is installed but not running, look for the folder where you downloaded QZ Tray and open the file
  3. Follow the steps listed above on how to install QZ Tray

Verify preferred printer selection

  1. Go to the Buy Shipping page in Seller Central
  2. Click the One-Click-Printer option to check the connected printers
  3. If it says Searching for Printers, QZ Tray is still trying to connect
  4. If it takes a lot of time for QZ Tray to connect, contact Amazon Selling Partner Support
  5. Click the Printer Preferences option at the bottom of the page to verify existing preferred printer or save any new changes

Open a Selling Partner Support ticket

If you continue to have issues, open a Selling Partner Support ticket. To ensure our support team can assist you, we recommend gathering the following pieces of information before contacting Selling Partner Support:

  1. Information on order ID, timestamp, time zone, store, and seller ID of the order
  2. Operating System (OS) of your device (for example, Windows, Mac, and so on), browser you are using (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and so on), model and brand of the printer used to print the label, and label format selected
  3. Error messages that you see (if any)
  4. Screenshots of the issue (if any)

Uninstall QZ Tray

You can uninstall QZ Tray according to your Operating System. After you uninstall QZ Tray, you can use Print Connect, another printing service provided by Amazon, if installed. Otherwise, you can proceed with standard print options, which can be completed by clicking the Buy Shipping button on the Buy Shipping page.

For Windows OS:

  1. Click the Windows button.
  2. Go to Control Panel.
  3. Go to Programs and Features.
  4. Go to QZ Tray.
  5. Select Uninstall.

For Mac OS:

  1. Click the Finder icon in the Dock
  2. Click Applications in the Finder sidebar.
  3. If the QZ Tray app is in a folder, open the app's folder to check for an Uninstaller