Non-white background
This article applies to selling in: United States

Non-white background

Non-white background applies to the main image. If your images don’t meet the content requirements or violate the Selling policies and seller code of conduct, we may remove them. If any image does not meet the requirements, we may suppress the product listing from search until you provide compliant images. Regarding text, logo, graphics, and watermarks, our Product image requirements state the following: "Have a pure white background (RGB color values: 255, 255, 255) to create a consistent shopping experience for customers across search and product detail pages.

The Non-White Background attribute is present in the image if either of the following is true:

  • There is a background and it is not pure white (RGB 255, 255, 255) with minimal shadows around the product, OR
  • There is a visual frame, line, or border on any portion of the edges of the image

Shadows that run to the edge of the image frame or that the product or human models cast against a backdrop are not allowed. When you use an image that's edited to remove background elements, any background areas that remain, such as off-white or gray backdrops, artifacts, objects, or outlines that are added around the border of the image, are not allowed.

Note: Alternate images may have a neutral or environment-based background.

Below are some examples of non-white background on the main image that are not allowed.

Examples of main images with non-white background that are not part of the product. Red boxes indicate what is not allowed.

Examples of main images with a visual frame, line or border on any portion of the edges of the image. Red boxes indicate what is not allowed.
