Performance coaching
This article applies to selling in: United States

Performance coaching

When we receive your shipments, sometimes we identify shipment problems, such as labeling and prep errors, quantity discrepancies, and safety issues. We then notify you to help prevent these and other problems in the future.

While we recognize that one-time mistakes can happen in the supply chain, repeated issues with a particular FNSKU or ASIN can indicate a pattern that requires correction. In these cases, we provide coaching to help you understand and correct the problem, so you can avoid potential consequences such as suspension of your shipping capabilities for certain products or unplanned service fees for required Amazon prep services.

To review and understand problems with a shipment, check your Inbound Performance report and go to Resolving inbound performance alerts.

Performance coaching levels

Amazon measures your shipment problem rate over the past 120 days for each problem group and then assigns a performance coaching level based on your problem history. Your performance coaching level (Standard, Elevated, or Critical) is determined by comparing your problem rate to the acceptable problem rate.

The "acceptable" problem rate is the highest percentage of problems allowed for a problem group. The acceptable problem rate is determined by multiple factors, including comparison to other FBA sellers of a similar size. Your coaching levels could be different based on your performance for each individual problem group.

If your problem rate exceeds the acceptable problem rate for a period of time, your coaching may be escalated to the next level for that problem group.

  • Standard: Your problem rate is below the acceptable problem rate or exceeds the acceptable problem rate for fewer than 21 days.
  • Elevated: Your problem rate exceeds the acceptable problem rate for more than 21 days, and Amazon identifies defects for shipments you created after the 21st day above the acceptable problem rate.
  • Critical: Your problem rate continues to exceed the acceptable problem rate for more than 21 days after being raised to Elevated, and Amazon identifies defects for shipments you created after the 21st day above the acceptable rate while in Elevated status.

How to return to Standard coaching level

After the date of escalation to Elevated or Critical, if your problem rate improves and is below “acceptable” on or after 120 days, your level will be lowered to Standard. Only sellers who send inventory during the 120-day period are eligible to have their coaching level lowered.

How to monitor your problem rates and coaching level

Follow the steps below to see your problem rate, acceptable problem rate, coaching level, and the criteria for each level.

  1. Go to your Shipping Queue and click Track shipment to the right of the shipment with problems.
  2. On the Summary page, go to the Problems tab.
  3. Click View details and scroll to Coaching details to check your problem rate and the acceptable problem rate for the particular problem group.
Note: Your current problem rate is calculated based on the shipment creation date and may not reflect recent shipments created within the last 24 hours.

Amazon calculates the problem rates below over a 120-day period:

  • Problem rate (shipment level): Number of shipments with problems divided by the total number of shipments sent
  • Problem rate (product level): Number of items with problems divided by the total number of units shipped

Product-level prep and labeling problems

The problem rate for product-level prep and labeling problems is calculated at the product level:

Problem group Problem type Coaching levels and actions
Unplanned prep - bagging Poly bagging required, opaque poly bagging required

Standard: We may reach out through phone or email to help you understand the problems and suggest improvements if you are approaching the maximum acceptable problem rate.

Elevated: FBA may ask you for an appeal to correct the problems.

Critical: FBA may suspend your ability to choose the prep owner, label owner, or both. Instead, Amazon will conduct prep, labeling, or both for the affected FNSKUs on your behalf and charge a per-unit fee.

Unplanned prep - bubble wrap Bubble wrap required
Unplanned prep - product related Taping required
Other labeling problems - product related Labeling required
Label missing - product related Amazon barcode missing, manufacturer barcode missing
Incorrect label - product related Barcode cannot be scanned, barcode is not accessible by scanner, unit mislabeled

Product and box-level quantity problems

The problem rate for inaccurate box count is calculated at the shipment level, and the problem rate for all other problems below is calculated at the product level:

Problem group Problem type Coaching levels and actions
Inaccurate box count Inaccurate number of boxes

Standard: FBA will alert you to the problem in Seller Central and ask you to review and acknowledge help content related to the defect before you can create future shipments.

If you are approaching the maximum acceptable problem rate, FBA may also reach out to you by phone or email to help you understand the problem and suggest improvements you can make to avoid exceeding the maximum acceptable problem rate.

Elevated: FBA may ask you for an appeal to correct the problem.

Critical: FBA may suspend your ability to create new shipments to fulfillment centers for a period of time (between 24 to 120 hours).

Inaccurate item quantities in box Inaccurate item quantity in box
Unexpected items in box Unexpected items found in box
Unexpected items in shipment Unexpected items found in shipment

Box, product, and pallet-level safety problems

The problem rate for safety problems is determined by the number of occurrences, and the acceptable problem rate for safety problems is 0. The problem rate for product-related safety issues is calculated at the product level, and the problem rate for all other problems below is calculated at the shipment level:

Problem group Problem type Coaching levels and actions
Safety issues - box related Shipping box overweight, shipping box oversized

Standard: FBA will alert you of the problem in Seller Central and ask you to review and acknowledge help content related to the problem before you can create future shipments.

Elevated: FBA will alert you of the problem In Seller Central and ask you to review and acknowledge help content related to the defect before you can create future shipments.

Critical: FBA will reach out to you to help identify and resolve the problems by asking you to provide an appeal to correct the issues.

Note that sellers with repeated occurrences of safety problems may be blocked from creating new shipments for a fixed period of time (between 24 to 120 hours).

Safety issues - product related Sharp products hazard, electrical products hazard, spilled products hazard
Safety issues - pallet related Unacceptable pallet condition

Box-level labeling problems

The problem rate for box-level labeling problems is calculated at the shipment level:

Problem group Problem type Coaching levels and actions
Label missing – box related Shipment ID was not included or is unscannable on shipping boxes

Standard/Elevated/Critical: FBA will alert you of the problem in Seller Central and ask you to review and acknowledge help content regarding the defect before you can create future shipments.

For all other problems, FBA will notify you in Seller Central to help you prevent reoccurrences in the future. You can go to Inbound performance summary for further details on problems.
