If you have a Professional selling plan you can use Gift Options to offer gift-wrapping, gift messaging, or both to customers. These services can help increase your sales conversion rates by offering an enhanced buying experience.
Gift Options allows customers to indicate an order is a gift. By default, when customers indicate that an order is a gift, the product prices will not appear on the packing slip. However, customers can elect to include prices. The buyer's choices will show on the packing slip available in the Manage Orders page. If you create your own packing slips, you will need to manage the messaging and product price display.
By default, neither gift messaging nor gift-wrap options are enabled. To allow customers to access your gift-wrap and gift messaging options, you must enable Gift Options in your seller account and add fields to your inventory file to indicate whether gift-wrap, gift messaging, or both are available for each product in your inventory.
By default, neither gift messaging nor gift-wrap services are enabled. To enable Gift Options, you perform two tasks:
If you upload your inventory using text files or XML, you can use the is-gift-message-available field, or is-gift-wrap-available field, or both to control which products are eligible for these options.
If you download Order reports and Adjustment reports, you will want to adapt your integration method to process the Gift Options information that appears in those reports. See the Integration requirements section below for more information.
Changes to Gift Options appear within 4 hours.
To stop offering a particular type of gift wrap, follow one of these two methods:
To communicate information to buyers about your Gift Options, you can create custom Help pages. For more information, see Create custom help pages.
To update your customer-facing Help pages, follow these steps:
You might be using an inventory file to create new items and adjust inventory levels for existing listings. This file contains the core information about each product (such as the title, SKU, description, etc.).
Once you enable and configure your Gift Options, you will want to modify and upload your inventory files to identify products that are eligible for gift-wrap, gift messaging, or both.
To enable Gift Options, add two fields —both are Boolean fields— to the product feeds:
If you enable Gift Options and use a parsing program to process your Order reports, you might need to change your back-end system to accept all new orders.
Order reports for Gift Options-enabled sellers contain the following fields:
If you collect tax through Amazon, you can customize your gift wrap tax preferences. By default, the tax settings for gift wrap are identical to the tax settings for your products. For more information, see the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement.
You must add these fields to your Adjustments files to process adjustments for gift services:
Append these two fields as the right-most two columns in your Adjustments file in the order listed above.
The Gift Messaging option is free to both you and the buyer. When you enable Gift Messaging for a product, you offer buyers the ability to create one gift message for each item in the order. Messages appear on the packing slip produced using Manage Orders.
For the gift message, you can use the system defaults, or you can configure your gift messaging as follows:
The maximum number of characters in a gift message. You can set the limit from 1 to 255 characters. The default is 255.
The number of lines in a gift message. You can set the limit from 1 to 10 lines. The default is 10.
To improve the buying experience, we recommend offering the maximum number of characters your business can support. Customers appreciate flexibility in creating personalized messages.
You can offer up to four different Gift-Wrap options. You are not able to specify which gift-wrap options are eligible for which products. All gift-wrap options are available for every product you specify as eligible for gift wrap.
For each gift-wrap option, you can provide the following information:
The name the buyer sees for a specific gift-wrap option. Each gift-wrap option must have a description. The limit is 50 characters.
The name you see for a specific gift-wrap option in the order reports. It might or might not match the name the buyer sees. The limit is 40 characters.
The price you charge the buyer to gift-wrap an item. If the order is tax-enabled, we will charge tax against this amount. If you want to offer free gift wrapping, set the price to 0.
The image buyers see when making their gift wrap selection. If you do not provide an image, a placeholder image appears. Images must be a minimum of 71 x 71 pixels, in either a .gif or .jpg format.