Enroll in One-Day Delivery
Este artigo se aplica a vendas em: United States

Enroll in One-Day Delivery

One-Day Delivery is a fast, premium shipping option that is only available to sellers who meet high delivery performance standards.

Requirements for One-Day Delivery eligibility

Enrolling in One-Day Delivery does not automatically offer your products for One-Day Delivery. You must meet a set of requirements for One-Day Delivery:

  • Be registered to sell on Amazon for at least 90 days
  • Have an on-time delivery rate of at least 95% for One-Day Delivery orders
  • Have an on-time shipment rate of at least 99% for One-Day Delivery orders
  • Be able to meet the following performance requirements on a trailing 30-day basis:
    • An on-time delivery score of at least 92% for Premium Shipping orders.
    • A valid tracking rate using IDs from UPS, USPS, Fedex, or OnTrac for at least 94% of Premium Shipping orders.
    • A cancellation rate of less than 1.5% for Premium Shipping orders.
    • A minimum order threshold of at least 10 orders across all shipping options on a trailing 30-day basis.

For more information about shipping options and carrier fees, go to Buy Shipping services and Shipping services fees.

Set up One-Day Delivery

If you are eligible to offer One-Day Delivery, follow these steps to set it up:

  1. From the Settings drop-down menu, select Shipping settings.
  2. To select a shipping template that you would like to enroll in One-Day Delivery, click the Edit template button on the far right.
  3. For a non-Prime template, check the One-Day Delivery checkbox, and click Add new shipping rule to add your One-Day Delivery regions.
  4. For a Prime template, click Edit Prime regions, go to the One-Day Delivery tab and select your One-Day Delivery regions.
  5. After you select the regions, you can enter your shipping rates in the One-Day Delivery section and then click Confirm.

Why are you not eligible for One-Day Delivery?

If your current status on the Premium Shipping eligibility tool is Not eligible, it is because one or more of your performance metrics is below the required threshold. During this time, we'll deactivate the One-Day Delivery option on your offers for 30 days. You can generate detailed performance reports from the Customer metrics page.

If you meet the performance metrics after 30 days, we'll reactivate the shipping option, and your status on the Premium Shipping eligibilitytool will change to Eligible. However, you must continue to meet the performance requirements or you will lose One-Day Delivery eligibility again.

Note: Only metrics for seller-fulfilled orders appear on the Premium Shipping Eligibility tool. We use these to calculate your eligibility to offer Two-Day Shipping. Metrics on the Premium Shipping Eligibility tool might differ from Account Health because Account Health is a combination of seller-fulfilled and Amazon-fulfilled metrics. Performance metrics are calculated and recorded once a day. Metrics on recent orders might not appear on this page for at least 24 hours.

Enroll in One-Day Delivery

  • Restore One-Day Delivery eligibility