Professional account sellers can now set their own shipping rates for BMVD (books, music, video, and DVD) products, and free shipping.
If you do not have access to shipping templates on Shipping settings, then you have not migrated. Migrate to the new shipping settings to activate the seller-set BMVD shipping rates.
To customize your shipping rates as required during migration, or after migration, navigate to the Migrated Books, Music, Video, or DVD shipping templates .
To set your own shipping rates for BMVD, activate the custom BMVD shipping rates feature within your Shipping settings. Upon activation, the shipping rates defined in your shipping templates will take effect for the BMVD products in your catalog. You can prepare the rates for your BMVD SKUs before or after activation by editing your BMVD shipping templates.
To activate custom BMVD shipping rates on your account: