Migrate to the new shipping settings
適用されるマーケットプレイス: United States

Migrate to the new shipping settings

We are migrating Professional sellers to the new shipping settings. If you haven’t been migrated to the new settings, it is recommended to do this by yourself on the Shipping Settings page to understand the benefits of the new settings. For more information, see Take advantage of the new shipping settings.

Migrate your account

  1. Click Take the Tour at the top of the Shipping settings page and watch the slide show to learn about the new settings.
  2. After you finish the slide show, click Start migration.

    Your default shipping settings will be copied and the estimated migration time will display alongside.

    • Your default Books, Music, Video and DVD products shipping settings will be separated by category and your Books, Music, Video and DVD SKUs will be assigned to their respective templates.
    • Your account will be migrated across all stores (for example, US, Canada, and Mexico) where you have an account.

  3. Review your shipping template for each store along with the international transit times. Depending on your shipping country, transit times for international delivery might be adjusted.
  4. Click Activate.
Activation can take up to a few hours if you have Books, Music, Video and DVD (BMVD) SKUs in your account, however this will not impact the customers. Your current shipping settings will remain available until activation is complete.

Shipping overrides

Shipping overrides will not be migrated to the new shipping settings. Instead, they will be replaced by Shipping templates. Shipping templates enable you to customize different shipping preferences for multiple sets of SKUs.

Note: All sellers are required to adhere to the shipping template minimum requirements.

See also

Create, edit, or delete shipping templates

Assign SKUs to shipping templates


Migrate to the new shipping settings

  • Take advantage of the new Shipping Settings