Stranded inventory is FBA inventory in fulfillment centers that does not have an associated active offer and thus is not available for sale on Amazon. When inventory is stranded, it requires either reactivating the listing or removing inventory.
When you delete or close a listing, or change it from Fulfilled by Amazon to Fulfilled by Merchant, it might strand your inventory. Product listing issues, infringement concerns, or system errors can also result in stranded inventory.
For a complete list of reasons for stranded inventory, refer to the How to resolve stranded inventory table in Resolve stranded inventory issues. For a breakdown of units in stranded status, see Stranded inventory report.
Note: If you have units of an ASIN stranded in the fulfillment center, do not send additional inventory of that ASIN to Amazon. If you add an ASIN with stranded inventory to your shipment, you will receive an alert and your shipment will not be processed.
Amazon will notify you about stranded inventory in three ways:
Note: If you address the cause for the stranded inventory yourself, please allow 24 hours for the updates to reflect in your stranded inventory.
Note: You may find Stranded inventory of
merchant SKU Amazon.Found.Bxxxxxxxxx in your account. When your product is
not labeled correctly, it is received as non-labeled inventory for the same
ASIN. The non-labeled inventory for the same ASIN will appear in your
Stranded inventory with merchant SKU as Amazon.Found.Bxxxxxxxxx.
Additionally, if you ship a different product than what we expected to
receive, and it is not the same ASIN, the received product is assigned to
you as merchant SKU Amazon.Found.Bxxxxxxxxx. These items can be made
available for sale to customers once you fix the stranded inventory reason
for these SKUs by creating a listing for the Amazon.Found.Bxxxxxxxxx
merchant SKU. If you do not create a listing for the inventory, it will be
removed from our fulfillment centers based on auto-removal settings. If you
create a listing for the “Amazon.Found.Bxxxxxxxxx” merchant SKU, your
inventory for this merchant SKU will be subject to virtual tracking. Rest of
your labeled inventory is not affected.
How to fix your Amazon Stranded Inventory: