Product size tiers
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Product size tiers

Definition Product size tiers are measurement categories based on the unit weight, product dimensions, and dimensional weight of a packaged item.
Using this article The product size tier of an item is used to calculate certain fees. After reading this article, you'll be able to determine the product size tier for an item. To do this, know the unit weight, product volume and dimensions, and the dimensional weight of the item.
Fees that use this attribute

FBA fulfillment fees

Monthly inventory storage fees

Aged inventory surcharge

FBA removal order fees

FBA disposal order fees

Fulfillment fees for Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders

FBA inbound placement service fees

FBA Prep Service fees

Related terms

Dimensional weight

Product dimensions and volume

Unit weight

FBA fees reimbursement policy: Weight and dimensions

Shipping weight

Determine the product size tier

  1. Determine the volume and dimensions of the item.
  2. Determine the unit weight and dimensional weight of the item.
  3. Use the above values and the tables below to determine the product size tier.
Find the row in the table below with measurements that don't exceed the weight or the dimensions of your item.

Table 1. 2023 Product size tier definitions (ending after February 4, 2024)
Product size tier Shipping weight1 Longest side Median side Shortest side Length + girth
Small standard-size Up to 16 oz Up to 15 inches Up to 12 inches Up to 0.75 inch n/a
Large standard-size Up to 20 lb Up to 18 inches Up to 14 inches Up to 8 inches n/a
Small oversize Up to 70 lb Up to 60 inches Up to 30 inches n/a Up to 130 inches
Medium oversize Up to 150 lb Up to 108 inches n/a n/a Up to 130 inches
Large oversize Up to 150 lb Up to 108 inches n/a n/a Up to 165 inches
Special oversize Over 150 lb Over 108 inches n/a n/a Over 165 inches

1) Shipping weight is the greater of unit weight or dimensional weight for determining size tiers.

Table 2. 2024 Product size tier definitions (starting on February 5, 2024)
Product size tier Shipping weight1 Longest side Median side Shortest side Length + girth
Small standard-size Up to 16 oz Up to 15 inches Up to 12 inches Up to 0.75 inch n/a
Large standard-size Up to 20 lb Up to 18 inches Up to 14 inches Up to 8 inches n/a
Large bulky Up to 50 lb Up to 59 inches Up to 33 inches Up to 33 inches Up to 130 inches
Extra-large 0 to 50 lb Up to 50 lb Extra-large exceeds 59 inches for the longest side or 33 inches for the median side or 33 inches for the shortest side or 130 inches for length + girth, or if the product’s greater of unit weight or dimensional weight exceeds 50 lb.
Extra-large 50+ to 70 lb 50+ to 70 lb
Extra-large 70+ to 150 lb 70+ to 150 lb
Extra-large 150+ lb Over 150 lb

1) Shipping weight is the greater of unit weight or dimensional weight for determining size tiers.

For large standard, oversize (excluding special oversize), large bulky, and extra-large (excluding 150+ lb), Amazon uses dimensional weight when it’s greater than the unit weight to calculate fees. Fees for small standard, special oversize, and extra-large 150+ lb are calculated using only unit weight.

Go to dimensional weight for more details. For products you currently have in FBA inventory, you can also look up your unit weight using the Fee Preview report.

To look up your unit weight:

  • Download the report.
  • Identify the product you want to look up using its FNSKU.
  • View the product size tier in the product-size-tier field.

Product size tier examples

Mobile device case

Dimensions: 13.8 x 9 x 0.7 inches

Unit weight: 2.88 oz

Product size tier: Small standard size


Dimensions: 8.5 x 4.8 x 1 inches

Unit weight: 6.08 oz

Product size tier: Large standard size


