Amazon’s Tax Calculation Service is available to Professional Sellers who have an obligation to calculate Taxes (commonly acknowledged as “sales and use tax” among taxing authorities and collectively referred to as “Taxes” here) on their orders destined to non-Marketplace Tax Collection jurisdictions in the United States (US).
For orders destined to Marketplace Tax Collection jurisdictions, Amazon will be the tax responsible party to calculate, collect, remit, and refund Taxes calculated. See our FAQ to learn more about Marketplace Tax Collection.
For orders destined to US jurisdictions you have an obligation to calculate Taxes, you may enable our service by providing your tax registration number(s), classifying taxability for each of your products using our product tax codes, and choose to accept buyer exemptions through Amazon’s Tax Exemption Program.
Additional information about how Amazon calculates Taxes on your orders is available in our Tax Methodology document.
Our tax calculation services includes automatic updates and certain seller options to calculate Taxes in non-Marketplace Tax Collection jurisdictions:
As detailed in our Tax Policies, all Taxes calculated on orders destined to a non-Marketplace Tax Collection state are paid to you with your normal earnings disbursement for you to remit to individual taxing authorities. Tax calculation details such as the tax rate and taxed jurisdiction information calculated on your orders are reflected in your Sales Tax Report. See Sales tax information in seller reports for complete details.
The ability to refund Taxes on an order are supported via the Manage Orders page for sellers who fulfill their own orders. Amazon Customer Service will manage orders fulfilled using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), however specific questions about your tax settings will always be the sellers’ responsibility to respond to.
If your business has an obligation to make any information about your tax obligation publically available, you may update your seller profile accordingly by navigating to Settings > Your Info & Policies > Tax (tab).
It is important to understand your obligation to calculate tax and responsibilities to manage calculations made before setting up your tax settings. Seller responsibilities related to using Amazon’s Tax Calculation Service are available in the Tax Calculation Services Terms.