Remove inventory in bulk
This article applies to selling in: United States

Remove inventory in bulk

You can submit a bulk removal order by uploading a tab-delimited list of items. For more information about the removal orders process, see Remove inventory (overview).

Removal fees are charged per item removed. For more information, see FBA removal order fees

Inventory file template

You can download a template for creating your bulk removal order request from the Upload removal order documents page. The template includes:

  • Instructions for using the template
  • Definitions for each column in the template
  • Examples for each column in the template
  • Removal request list for the items that you want to remove
  • Errors list to help identify errors that may occur when you try to upload the list

The maximum number of list items that you can include is 1000.

Upload your inventory file

After you have completed the list, you can submit your request on the Upload removal order documents page.

  1. Under Prepare your removal order file, click Download template. Follow the instructions in the workbook to complete your removal request list. Make sure that you review the Instructions, Removal data definitions, and Examples tabs in the workbook before completing the list on the Removal request tab.
  2. When you have completed the list on the Removal request tab, click File, and then click Save as. Browse to the location where you want to save the file. In the Save as type drop-down list, select Text.
  3. To submit your removal order, under Upload your removal order file, click Browse. Browse to the location where you saved your tab-delimited removal request and click Open. Under Upload your removal order file, click Upload now.
    Tip: Upload a test file with only one item to confirm that you're able to successfully upload your request.
  4. Under Review file status and history, you can review the results of your last ten (10) removal request uploads, including the date, time, batch ID, and status. Click the Refresh button to see the most recent results. If there are any errors, click View processing report to view the details. This report will help you resolve any errors. After the errors are resolved, go to step 2 and re-upload the file.

There are certain errors that are not detected when uploading removal request. If you were able to upload your file, but see errors when you are trying to track the progress of your request, it's likely that one of the following errors may have been triggered:

  • Delivery SLA not available   Delivery to the specific ZIP code is not available
  • SKU not recognized   If the SKU is not recognized, it will appear in your seller account as an order that cannot be processed
  • SKU OOS ("out of stock") If a SKU is out of stock, an error is triggered
  • Over 1000 SKUs   If there are more than 1000 SKUs in the list, request may time out before it is created
