Configure shipping settings for Seller Fulfilled Prime
Bài viết này áp dụng cho việc bán hàng tại: United States

Configure shipping settings for Seller Fulfilled Prime

Sellers who are participating in Seller Fulfilled Prime must enable Prime delivery on at least one shipping template in their shipping settings and assign SKUs to that template in order for offers with Prime branding to appear.

A default Prime shipping template is created when you register for the Seller Fulfilled Prime trial, which you can use during the trial and as an enrolled seller after passing the trial. The default template is pre-configured with Shipping Settings Automation and Prime delivery enabled.

You can use the default Prime shipping template with its pre-configured settings, update the default shipping template, or create new Prime shipping templates. You can configure Prime shipping templates manually or automate the process using Shipping Region Automation.

Note: We recommend that you use Shipping Settings Automation on Prime shipping templates to improve your delivery speed and on-time delivery performance.

Enable shipping templates for Seller Fulfilled Prime

Note: As standard shipping is required to all Prime and non-Prime customers in the contiguous US, these regions are set by default in all Prime shipping templates and cannot be edited.

Follow these steps to enable shipping for Seller Fulfilled Prime on an automated shipping template:

  1. From the Settings drop-down menu on the top right of Seller Central, click Shipping settings.
  2. From the Shipping templates list, click the template that you want to enable for shipping of Seller Fulfilled Prime items, or click Create new shipping template.
  3. On the top-right side, click Edit template.
  4. Click the check box next to Prime delivery.
  5. Select your Warehouse locations that will be used to ship Prime orders.
  6. Select I want to automate my Seller Fulfilled Prime shipping settings.
  7. Select the shipping services that you will use to ship Prime orders.
    Note: We recommend that you incorporate next-day air/express shipping services to improve your delivery speed performance.
  8. Select which shipping services you will use for one-day and two-day delivery.
  9. Review Prime shipping settings and click Confirm. Your shipping template is now enabled for Seller Fulfilled Prime.

    You can continue to review the shipping settings on the template before clicking Save.

  10. Check the settings and enter any shipping rates for non-Prime customers according to the guidelines provided at Seller Fulfilled Prime shipping requirements.
  11. Click Save.
Important: For more information on shipping requirements for Prime and non-Prime customers, go to Seller Fulfilled Prime shipping requirements. For more information on automated Prime shipping, go to Shipping Region Automation.

Follow these steps to enable listings for Prime shipping on a manual shipping template:

  1. From the Settings drop-down menu on the top right of Seller Central, click Shipping settings.
  2. From the Shipping templates list, click the template you want to enable for shipping of Seller Fulfilled Prime items, or click Create new shipping template.
  3. On the top-right side, click Edit template.
  4. Click the check box next to Prime delivery.
  5. Select Skip to select Prime manually.
  6. Select Add Prime Regions.
  7. Select the delivery regions that you want to enable for Two-Day Delivery, and then click Next.
  8. Select the delivery regions that you want to enable for One-Day Delivery, and then click Next.
  9. Select the delivery regions that you want to enable for Same-Day Delivery, and then click Next.
    Note: Same-day delivery is currently available only to sellers who previously requested access to this shipping option. We are working to include this shipping option on Prime templates for all enrolled Seller Fulfilled Prime sellers.
  10. Review Prime shipping settings and click Confirm. Your shipping template is now enabled for Seller Fulfilled Prime.

    You can continue to review the shipping settings on the template before clicking Save.

  11. Check the settings and enter any shipping rates for non-Prime customers according to the guidelines provided at Seller Fulfilled Prime shipping requirements.
  12. Click Save.
Important: For more information on shipping requirements for Prime and non-Prime customers, go to Seller Fulfilled Prime shipping requirements.

Enroll a SKU in Seller Fulfilled Prime

To have Prime branded offers, assign SKUs to your shipping templates that have been enabled for Prime shipping. For instructions, go to Assign SKUs to shipping templates.

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