Fulfillment by Amazon requires a scannable barcode on each product unit so it can be tracked throughout the fulfillment process. You can use manufacturer barcodes (such as ISBN, UPC, EAN, or JAN) for eligible units. Units that do not qualify or don't have an existing scannable barcode will need a label affixed to them.
Used by default for eligible products, manufacturer barcodes use virtual tracking to trace the source of the products throughout the fulfillment process. Identical items from different suppliers are not physically stored together in a fulfillment center. However, Virtual tracking allows Amazon to fulfill orders using identical products from different suppliers. This enables us to process a customer order more efficiently and expedite its delivery from the fulfillment center closest to the customer.
Using virtual tracking can help to do the following:
Suppose a customer in Florida orders a product, and only two units are available. One unit is in a fulfillment center in California and one unit is in a fulfillment center in New York. The seller who owns the California unit is the one who makes the sale.
To provide faster delivery for the buyer, we will send the unit from the closer fulfillment center in New York. We will credit the money to the seller who made the sale, and credit the unit back to the seller who did not make the sale by virtually transferring ownership of the identical unit in California.
Not all products are eligible for virtual tracking and Amazon updates product eligibility periodically to ensure that we provide the best service for customers and sellers.
For a product to qualify for using manufacturer barcodes, it must meet all of the following requirements:
Amazon updates product eligibility from time to time to ensure that we provide the best service for customers and sellers. If your product is not eligible for virtual tracking, an Amazon barcode is required in place of the manufacturer barcode. You can print Amazon barcodes and apply them to your products yourself, or you can have Amazon print and apply them for a per-item fee. For more information, go to Use and Amazon barcode to track inventory and FBA Label Service.
If products that are not eligible for virtual tracking are sent to fulfillment centers with only the manufacturer barcode, Amazon may charge an unplanned-service fee for applying an Amazon barcode. For more information, go to Unplanned services.
You can change your preference at any time (section A). You also can change your barcode preference for new FBA offers that you create (section B).
The default account level setting is for the manufacturer barcode, but you can change your preference at any time (section A). You also can change your barcode preference for new FBA offers that you create (section B) or your existing offers (section C).
There are two options under barcode preference:
To change your account barcode preference, follow these steps:
It will take about 24 hours for the new preference to take effect, and it will apply only to new offers. You cannot change the barcode preference for existing offers or for shipments that have already been created.
To use the new barcode preference, you must create a new offer or change the barcode setting for each existing offer, and then it will be in effect for new shipments.
When you create a new offer, you may have the option to select your barcode preference. For all new offers that are eligible for virtual tracking, you will have the option to use either the manufacturer barcode or an Amazon barcode. If your new offer is not eligible for virtual tracking, only the Amazon barcode option will be available.
If you choose to send the eligible inventory with the manufacturer barcode, you won’t be prompted to place additional labels on each individual unit. To learn more, go to Create a new listing that uses virtual tracking.
You can switch your preference from using Amazon barcodes for existing product listings to use manufacturer barcodes for products that are eligible to use manufacturer barcode. To learn more, go to How to switch from using Amazon barcodes to virtual tracking.
If you don’t want to use manufacturer barcode for virtual tracking any longer, you can change your preferences to use an Amazon barcode by following the instructions above. You would then be required to print Amazon barcodes from your seller account and apply them on the products yourself, or have Amazon print and apply them for a per-item fee. For more information, go to FBA Label Service.