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Wrong SKU stock count and miss delivery to customer

by Seller_BwuJezJQy47F3

I shipped two SKUs together to Amazon and the AVAILABLE quantity indicator on the FBA inventory for one SKU is more than the quantity shipped. We have confirmed that there is no error on the shipping side. We have been told by Amazon to wait until acceptance is complete, but we have also received complaints from customers that they have received items that are different from their orders. Does anyone have a similar experience?

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In reply to: Seller_BwuJezJQy47F3's post

Ohhh you got a problem on your hands. I’ve had an FBA mix up like that before and it’s no fun! had 40 units mixed up once. that’s 40 potential dings to your feedback. In my case I had the wrong FBA stickers on a case of 40 units of product.

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In reply to: Seller_BwuJezJQy47F3's post

I will guess that you did not properly package your items and label them for FBA. You should close or suspend the listing(s) in question to prevent further damage.

Did you have your items labeled before you sent them to Amazon? It would appear that Amazon has mixed the two SKUs up.

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In reply to: Seller_BwuJezJQy47F3's post

If you shipped the items to the FC, and you or a trusted team member held those items in your hand and you are sure you did not make a mistake… Then the Fulfillment Center may have made a mistake and relabeled the items.

This has happened to us. It creates great problems, including the closing of your listing due to your error. Understand it will be your error, even if it was Amazon restickering the item.

Sadly the immediate solution is a full recall and stranding your items so they can not be sold… Your stock at the fulfillment centers has been polluted by restickering the items.

Here is what we do. This is to stop Jimmy from restickering our items

Amazon has been known to resticker items on arrival. We have proof of that, after a full recall on a number of items.

We have a method now where we bundle like SKU’s together and put a sticker on the package that indicates, “Please Open, This Pack, Multiple Units of a Single SKU, DO NOT resticker.”

For us, “I ordered a Dino and got a Safari” customers even sent us pictures of the sticker that Amazon put over our trade dress and UPC. They will never admit the error, your only option is to recall the items and check them. All the items in the warehouses, since one item left with a problem can pollute the entire stock.

Here is a shot of what we do;

IMPORTANT You can not see it but the “Attention” sticker is over our trade dress. They must open up the clear plastic package to scan the items in. So this resolves your issue. They can not check the items in since they can not see the barcode. This would, we hope , solve your issue.

We also package in brown Kraft Paper, we just happened to have a suffocation bag that worked for this shipment.

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In reply to: Seller_BwuJezJQy47F3's post

Thank you very much for your usuful suggession.
It seems to complicated for our prodcution and shipping management .
I communicated custoemer support today and ask them to check bin. First they are going to check bin in warehouse miss delivery happend. I hope something clue obeserve.

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