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Whats the best alternative to the Payments Reports?

by Seller_06KkFFX7X90hO

We used to use the Reports --> Payments --> Date range report to collect sales information. Its a pain to get on an manually generate one every few days, but it was generally reliable from about 2 days back and has important information for us like the zip code, sales amount, fee amount, and includes other transactions like storage fees. Now that were trying to automate it, the closest thing you can get from the MWS API is the Settlement Report (GET_V2_SETTLEMENT_REPORT_DATA_FLAT_FILE_V2). This thing only generates like once every two weeks! from data that’s already 2 weeks old; that that means it can be as old as 28 days! What does everyone else use to track your sales, order fees, zip codes, etc?

P.S. I know I could use a combination of the order api, reports api, and finance api, but that is just a mess.

Tags: Reporting
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In reply to: Seller_06KkFFX7X90hO's post

That is weird. We get ours weekly. You may have to reach out to support and maybe they can have it scheduled daily instead?

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