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We have determined that your account is related to accounts that have written Amazon customer reviews for products that you have a financial interest in

by Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR

I received the following policy warning below. I sell used books. I do not send out emails soliciting feedback or reviews.

I’m flummoxed about how to proceed with this:

We have determined that your account is related to accounts that have written Amazon customer reviews for products that you have a financial interest in. This may include products that you or your competitors sell.

Why did I receive this message?
Family members, close friends, or employees of a seller on Amazon may not write reviews for the seller’s items or negative reviews for items sold by that seller’s competitors. Sellers are not allowed to manipulate ratings, feedback, or customer reviews. Learn more about this policy in Seller Central Help

Amazon strives to maintain customer trust and provide the best possible shopping experience. As a result, we will investigate when we learn that sellers, vendors, or others have attempted to manipulate reviews. This includes offers of compensation in exchange for reviews.

If this continues, it may result in account deactivation.

We’re here to help.
If you have questions about this policy or your account, please search for “Prohibited seller activities and actions” in Seller Central Help

You can view your account performance at [link] or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device. The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.

Thank you,

Tags: Policy, Seller Central
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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post

@Oneida, @Rushdie

This one came out of left field. Any idea how to proceed?

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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post
This post has been deleted
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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post

Have you purchased anything recently personally and left a review? Positive or negative? It may have accidentally been for a competitor.

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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post

please be aware everyone amazon doesn’t play. this is something that could lead to him losing his account. if he can account for only him and his wife…who is left. employees. Employees are not going to be raising their hands to admit they possibly got the boss kicked off amazon. he needs to act hard and quick. Years ago I had someone log onto their ebay account…and I fired them on the spot. I take NO chances.

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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post

I wonder if the negative review was written by a friend on Facebook? I think Amazon has tools to identify your Facebook friends.

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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post

I have not sold anything on amazon as yet. Why am I receiving this message

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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post

Ok. So because I am a seller on Amazon I am not allowed to leave any feedback or reviews for ANYTHING I purchase here? And neither is anyone else in my “sphere”. Like family members, coworkers, neighbors, people on facebook that have ever visited my page, people I passed by in the store last week? No, no, I think it’s like patrol officers. They are given quotas for ticket writing. Perhaps the patrol officers on Amazon are also given quotas to find “problems”? Any problems, real or imagined?

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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post

I have two books on Amazon I have written … But I dont even sell on my Book sales store. This is separate from my personal books. I never even thought of selling them on my Store page. If I am allowed to great if not it doesnt matter because I dont any way

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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post

I received the same message as well. I only sell used video games. I bought on Amazon since 2000 and have never left a single product review ever. I contacted family members and none have left reviews either. I have no idea what’s going on or who to contact about this.

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In reply to: Seller_qBOzcw6cBvGrR's post

I got the same message today, and Im very confused by it, because none of my family members or friends, know my name on Amazon. I would never do something like this!

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