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Warning message for SearchTerms

by Seller_bdSPcGRiU4Jia

We have suddenly been getting warning messages for our Product XML feed referencing MessageID 0 (zero) and apparently SearchTerms. Here is the warning:

			<ResultDescription>The Message/Product/DescriptionData/SearchTerms[2] field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.</ResultDescription>

The schema simply shows “SearchTerms” as the element name. The data included is within the field length limit.

Opened a support case with Amazon and was told to contact the “third-party” that wrote the our feeds app, but there isn’t a third party - all in-house development.

Then Amazon support said to ignore the warning messages. That doesn’t seem right at all.

At a loss to understand what the problem is, but something is clearly wrong. Can anyone help?

Tags: Search
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In reply to: Seller_bdSPcGRiU4Jia's post

Note that the limit is currently 250 and even though the XSD says maxoccurs = 5 … that through Seller Central one 1 occurrence is allowed with a 250 max.

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In reply to: Seller_bdSPcGRiU4Jia's post

Thanks very much for the input!

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In reply to: Seller_bdSPcGRiU4Jia's post

What is the format for the SearchTerms line? Are terms separated by commas, or spaces? Are multi word terms in quotation marks? etc.

chocolate, chocolate bars, candy
chocolate, “chocolate bars”, candy
chocolate, bars, candy
chocolate bars candy
“chocolate bars” candy

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