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This is profanity, really?

by Seller_A5gSog2dW8Iyu


I sell a series of bathroom humor art. Two months ago, I found that my best selling set was suspended from Amazon PPC advertising, after 8 months of advertising. I submitted a ticket to find out why it was suspended. About a month later I received the following.

We have reviewed your query and found that the campaign is not compliant with Amazon Advertising’s guidelines. Your ASIN image/content contains profane terms or references like “Poop and Fart”.

To ensure a good customer experience, we do not permit profanity, in any form, including obfuscated profanity.

The set that I was advertising does indeed contain the words “poop” and “fart”. However, surely Amazon does not believe these are profanity and it is certainly not “obfuscated.” So, I submitted a reply for clarification and received the same canned response, a month later.

Surely, this has to be a mistake!! How can anyone with a modicum of understanding of the English language think that “poop” and “fart” is profanity. That’s like saying the word “butt” is profanity because it is a synonym of a**. I taught my daughter “poop” and “fart” when we were potty-training her. This is all going on while others are advertising on my listing with actual profanity!! This is insane.

  • Has anybody else had this issue?
  • Is there a way that I can escalate this to someone with half a brain?
Tags: Advertising, Pay per click
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In reply to: Seller_A5gSog2dW8Iyu's post

Considering some of the Amazon sells… I have to agree with you, it is not profanity

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In reply to: Seller_A5gSog2dW8Iyu's post

This is profanity, really?

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In reply to: Seller_A5gSog2dW8Iyu's post

I have had this issue. I ended up emailing the executive team about it. They said that they agreed with the decision and that they wouldn’t take any action on our behalf.

Your options are either keep things as they are and no PPC, or re-brand (if possible). You could conceivably strip out every reference to fart or poop in your detail page, but if your product images still feature it it would seem unlikely you could get the suspension lifted.

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In reply to: Seller_A5gSog2dW8Iyu's post

Yes, we had this issue as well with a fishing trucker hat that said “Old Fart” on it! INSANE!!!

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In reply to: Seller_A5gSog2dW8Iyu's post

I have a major issue with Amazon ad bots. There is something wrong with Amazon and they are clearly being quite silly with their “human” reponses. I’ve edited my images and * out the t in farter so that I can get past and it is ok. However I have a suspension for a political issue on a mug that is ok selling by me and by others of similar designs and I have a suspension for social discussion of a vaccine mug which is inoffensive and probably very supportive to the millions of volunteers who are working to get us all vaccinated - many have advised how “good” amazon is and many have advised to steer well clear.

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