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The link was removed due to patent infringement, and there was no detailed information about the removal, and the customer service could not see details

by Seller_CFTuGv6v6AiSz

3 ASINs were removed at the same time due to design patent infringement. What they have in common is that fairies and packaging are the same. There is no information about the complainant, patent number, where the infringement is, etc., and the English customer service cannot see it.

But we are sure we are not infringing. Because the fairy and the packaging are designed by our own paid professional people, there is no theft. Applying for copyright in the United States, not yet down. We ourselves are manufacturers.

Is this someone using our images to patent and complain about us in turn? That’s right, I’m a Chinese seller.

Appeals become difficult, and Amazon responds the same every time.

Tags: ASIN, Images, Product removal
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In reply to: Seller_CFTuGv6v6AiSz's post

Hello @Alritz

Thank you for writing to us. This is Jennie from Amazon.

With all the above information, I completely understand that you have received design patent infringement but there is no patent number or right’s owner information provided to you.

In this case, we have already notified the appropriate team so that you could receive more information about the complaint. Your patience and understanding is highly appreciated in this matter.

Even if it is designed by your own professional, there can be a possibility that it is similar to the product designed by the complaint party.

In this case, you can submit the documents that can prove that you have the patent for the designs.

Please refer to the help pages and policies in the seller university to understand :

Hope this helps!


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