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Promoted Listing advertising-to promote my competitors

by Seller_MHryLZWEQYGwn

I regularly check in on my items to see how they look and see if changes need to be made. Once a customer does find my product to buy they see my competitors ads for similar items. I do promoted listings for my advertising, I think I need to stop immediately doing my promoted listings because I am advertising for my competitors. I have been selling on Amazon a few months and spent several hours today looking into different types of advertising such as google ads etc…It would be the same result, right?

There is actually only one way to combat this situation, And that way, is not good business.
It would make me sale lower quality products at lower prices, for lower profits. Does Amazon understand this?

I just figured that our success as businesses would be what Amazon goal was. In return they make more money as well. WOW.

Would me lowering my product prices make Amazon more money—NO
Would less quality products help Amazon succeed—No

I sale on other sites, same products. I’ve done very good sales on other sites. Amazon is my slowest sales by a very large number. Figuring this was my fault I spent hours today trying to better my Amazon site. But now I understand it is beating a dead horse here.

So I will just let it ride along for few months and let it die out.

What else can i do? I hand make my items so I can not brand them. So I will just sit here and do nothing and let my competitors advertise for me.

Tags: Advertising, Amazon business, Promotions
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