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Organic ranks - singular vs plural

by Seller_rz4XJMGMdJbdY

Hi all,

I’ve been running PPC on the singular versions of my keywords and recently noticed that my organic ranks for singular versions of keywords are different from the plural versions. I would’ve thought Amazon would see these as the same keyword and so they would have the same ranks. Does anyone have insight as to why that is and what the strategy should be for ranking higher on the plural version? Will doing an exact match campaign on either the singular or plural version yield the same results? Thanks!

Tags: Keywords, Pay per click
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In reply to: Seller_rz4XJMGMdJbdY's post

Amazon search engine is smart enough to recognize singolar and plural if they refer to the same product.
Sometimes is different. if you search for “pen” you might be looking for “fountain pen” but if you search for “pens” maybe you don’t want a bundle with 5 montblanc pens but you are looking for basic pen for writing notes.

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