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My Account is linked to another account that I don't know

by Seller_CGWuZN64QOPxz

Account Suspension - DreamedBS

  • I received an email from Amazon with “section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement” mentioning that my account was linked to BOD******MOT. I do not recognize these letters nor could I identify any related accounts containing these letters.
  • I believe that this was triggered because of the use of public wifi and/or the use of a vpn.
  • I did not have an understanding of how a vpn or the use of public wifi could hurt my account and how this behavior makes me appear to be related to a suspended customer in Amazon’s tools.
  • My account was always in good health for 2 years before this automatic suspension ocurred and I have never done any other violation.

What can I do now ? Please help.

Tags: Account Health, Suspended
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In reply to: Seller_CGWuZN64QOPxz's post

Get with support. The policy is guilty until proven innocent.

But hey “public Wifi”? That should be a no brainer for any enterprise. Common! Business 101 in this century. Not just Amazon but bad actors could destroy you in many other ways!

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In reply to: Seller_CGWuZN64QOPxz's post
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In reply to: Seller_CGWuZN64QOPxz's post

Hello @IsaacGarcia,

This is Mimosa from Amazon here to assist you today. Thank you for turning to the forum’s community with your concerns.

From reviewing your post, I understand that your account was deactivated after a relation was found to another account which cannot currently be used to sell on Amazon. It is important to note that this does not mean that you have multiple accounts. This simply means that you have one or more data points in common with the account in question.

To help you investigate the possibility of primary accounts, it is recommended that you conduct self-examination by referring to the following sample questions:

  • Did you or your company register another account?

  • Has anyone else assisted you with your account?

  • Have you used any services to assist with your account?

  • Have you given anyone information about your account?

If after your detailed investigation, you find that you have this primary account or have a working relationship with this account:

It is recommended that you enter the primary account and review the performance notifications you received to confirm the reason for the account suspension, and submit an appeal via the "Reactivate Your Account" appeal button.

A gentle reminder, you must successfully activate the primary account and submit the details of the successful activation of the linked account to the current account in order to appeal for the related account to restore the sales authority.

If you end or no longer have any working relationship with the primary account:

You must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate that you no longer have or have any relationship with the primary account. Supporting documents such as: sales contract, purchase agreement, business transfer agreement, contract termination, resignation certificate, etc.

In addition to providing supporting documents, it is recommended that you provide a specific and effective Plan of Action detailing how things have happened, including the point in time, providing details of all investigations, and specifying how you will secure your account information safely in the future.

If you are absolutely certain that you do not recognize the primary account and believe that your account has been deactivated in error:

You must appeal through the appeal button on the account health dashboard and submit any form of evidence, information or documentation to demonstrate that your account is not related in any way.

Before you take the appeal route in step three, we strongly recommend that you do a full review of your account again to identify any factors that may have led to the link.

At the same time, it is also recommended that you submit personal verification information in the appeal, such as ID card, business license, natural gas, water and electricity, and Internet bills for the past 90 days to verify your information.

After you submit an appeal, our relevant team will review the information you submitted and decide whether your selling rights can be reinstated. You will be notified at that time, please wait patiently for the review results.

We understand that this is a stressful situation for you and we hope that the above information provided some clarity to your situation. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions. We are always here to provide support.

Thank you @Infinity_Man and @Oneida for contributing to the thread as well!


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In reply to: Seller_CGWuZN64QOPxz's post

Hey there @IsaacGarcia,

Dino from Amazon here to help with the linked account.

The information that was given was not enough to get the account reactivated. I appreciate you confirming the information above is what was given to our appeals team. By any chance did you have a virtual assistant help on the account at any time?

It is good to go through the information submitted and delete anything that may not be helpful to show no relations. When you first set up the account, was this yourself doing it online or was anyone helping this process? We have a helpful video on how to address multiple account policy violations located in Seller University.

Providing us with documentation of your ID or passport may help, but there was some type of relation happening with the BODY BAY MOT. Have you tried to reach out the owner of that account?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,


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