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MWS - AmazonOrderId

by Seller_otUnXHorCgVuw
  1. How are the any payments to the sellers are tied to the orders (AmazonOrderId perhaps)?
  2. How do we identify a seller uniquely in the system. We want to be able to retrieve all the orders for which the seller is getting paid. What unique identifier can we use to get the list?
  3. Is there a way to obtain developer access from sellers in bulk? We have several payees in Amazon for whom we need to get their order details for CNY payments. It will things faster instead of having to rely on a seller to specifically grant the permissions to Hyperwallet.
Tags: Payments
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In reply to: Seller_otUnXHorCgVuw's post
  1. Look into the Finance API of the Finance Reports.
  2. The API will only provide information for the seller whose credential you will use. As a 3rd party developer this means that each seller will provide you with an MWSAuthToken which is what you will use to only be able to retrieve information for that specific seller.
  3. I don’t think this is a feature. You will have to have each seller grant you access.
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