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Inventory In Stock Report

by Seller_Z3qfU87ZOTDwq

Anybody has a link for that?

Seems Amazon removed the button for that report?

No idea why?

Inventory In Stock Report
The Inventory In Stock report provides inventory metrics on your active listings with two or more sales in the past 60 days. This report provides information on various inventory metrics, including Estimated Lost Sales, Estimated Days of Cover, and Average Unit Sales per Week. You can personalize and interact with your report by sorting columns and applying filters, and you can also replenish your inventory directly from the report.

The report contains the following fields:

Field Definition
Product Name The name of the product.
ASIN Amazon Standard Identification Number.
SKU Stock Keeping Unit. Seller-specific product identifier.
In Stock % (over time) The percentage of time the product has available inventory over the period. For example, if a product was in stock for 28.1 days out of the last 30 days, the In Stock % would be 28.1 / 30 = 93.7%.
Change The change in the In Stock % over the previous period. If a product currently has an In Stock % of 93.7% and in the last period the percentage was 91.0%, then the change would be +2.7%.
Estimated Lost Sales (Units) The sales run rate for the previous 60 days multiplied by the days the product is out of stock. For example, if a product is out of stock for 2 days and on average sells 15 units a day, your estimated lost sales are 2 x 15 = 30.
Estimated Days of Cover The number of days that you will be able to continue to sell without restocking your inventory, based on your total inventory and your sales for the last 30 days. For FBA inventory, your total inventory includes your available inventory, inbound inventory, and inventory reserved for transfer between fulfillment centers.
Days Out of Stock The number of days the product was out of stock.
Current Inventory The number of units that you currently have in stock.
Unit Sales The unit sales on the listing over the period, 7 or 30 days depending on the time period selected.
Weekly Sales Rate When In Stock The weekly sales rate based on the daily sales over the period, while in stock. Calculated as (7 x total units sold in the period) / number of days in stock in the period. For example, if you sold 100 units in the period and the unit was in stock for 25 days in the period, the weekly sales rate would be (7 x 100) / 25 = 28.00 units.
Sales Rank The sales rank of this product within its category on Amazon. The product category is listed below.
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In reply to: Seller_Z3qfU87ZOTDwq's post

Is it not included in your IPI (Inventory Performance Index)?

Inventory performance


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In reply to: Seller_Z3qfU87ZOTDwq's post

occidentaltrade, the report was removed by Amazon. I’ve made a post about this but have received no feedback from others on a helpful alternative. It looks like you’ll have to fall back on your ERP system to manage stock.

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In reply to: Seller_Z3qfU87ZOTDwq's post

The report was moved to:

I had to go a couple rounds with customer service to find it. Hope it helps!

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In reply to: Seller_Z3qfU87ZOTDwq's post

This report no longer exists, sadly.

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