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ℹ️ [Informative] Help for Suspended for Section 3 - We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site

by Seller_cu1Lr54OxusWw

There has been a rash recently of accounts suspended as being - related to another account that may not be used to sell on the site. Most all have been CA accounts, some MX, and some both CA & MX.

While it’s not been determined for sure what the bot is using to flag accounts I still thought I should post something to try to help, instead of trying to post on every thread that pops up.

I have watched and working on “Related Account” suspensions for several years now, and I always find that it’s basically one of these areas/issues.

Section 1 - Reasons you got the notice from Amazon

  1. Possibly you were actually linked to another seller whose account is currently suspended.
    It could be only 1 of these, but I believe for some of them it takes 2 of them to link)
    • You logged into your account on someone else’s device
    • Someone else logged into their account on your device
    • Using someone else’s credit card (even on the buyer side of the account)
    • Someone else at the same address has a seller account
    • Phone number matched in another account
    • Within your account is an address matching a suspended account
    • Matching Inventory & SellerSKUs to another seller
  1. You were linked to another account that you started that is currently suspended
    • You tried to open an account before, maybe stopped during registration, and then decided to try again with another email
    • You have a separate buyer account (different email) which has a seller account tied to it
  1. You have one of your Marketplaces which is suspended Read this thread
    • On a NA Unified account it would be US, CA or MX
    • If you opened a Regional Account (like EU/UK, JP, SG, AU, etc) and it is suspended this will cause it
  1. You were linked though User Permissions (this is just a guess at the moment until I get more data). This falls back to the operating multiple accounts policy.
    • You gave “Admin” status to a user whose account is not suspended (maybe a VA)

Section 2 - Finding out about the related account

I recommend this process if you haven’t done anything yet, and likely even is you have, to determine what account they are “relating” you to…

  1. Use the Get Support Hub to get a call back about the suspension:
    • Select “Sell on Amazon
    • Enter “suspended”, then select “Account deactivation” and continue
    • I don’t have a suspended account but there should come up something with a “Get support”
    • Try to get a call back
    • Ask for some help in determining the related account. They should be able to give you the first 3 letters of the related account(s) and maybe even it’s registration date.

    Section 3 - Submitting a response

    Write your POA based on what you find out.

  1. If you determine that you were suspended in error do not write & submit a standard POA through the “Appeal” button! Use the “here” word link you find down the same appeal page to respond. It will be similar to this image. This one though is for a listing instead of an account.

    Now, the basic format seems to still be needed even though it doesn’t exactly make sense. (So as dumb as it sounds, follow the format)

    Here’s a basic outline without full content.

    – Root cause

    My understanding is that my account has been considered by Amazon as being related to an account beginning with “ABC.” [Then if you have figured out anything at all explain it here.]

    This account is not mine … etc. (I’m not writing this for you. )

    – Suspended in error

    I want to confirm that their related account does not belong to me and should not be considered as related. I have never …

    [Another paragraph if needed to explain further]

    – The steps taken to prevent future issues

    If you recognize the other account point out how it is not yours by explaining how you know the account and how they should be able to tell that it is not related to you. [again not writing this out for you]

    If you do not recognize the other account then restate that.

    [Also what I would put in here is something about no one else having access to your account, not sharing account details with anyone else, etc.]

  1. If you determine that you have some relation to the other account then write & submit a standard POA through the “Appeal” button. The format can vary on this.

    A. If you never owned the account.

      –Root cause - What if I don’t own the separate account(s)?

      [Here I’d clearly state the the other account isn’t mine and provide some info to show Amazon who it does belong to.]

      –Explanation of the related account which caused my account suspension.

      [Content explaining who does and why it is being related to you]

      –Actions taken and how I will prevent any future issues.

      [Content explaining exactly how you will prevent anyone else with a seller account from accessing/managing your seller account]

    B. If you did own the account follow the standard format.

      –Root cause

FINALLY - If you need help then please start your own thread using the “New Topic” button instead of posting here!

It looks like this:
Doing this will get you the most help possible from everyone!

Then if you want you can tag me in your post by adding this somewhere: @Oneida_Books
As soon as you type the “@” sign and a couple of letters you will see my avatar pop up.
I will post when/as I can.

Please remember - We all help freely here, and do so as we have time. There are many helpful posters as well as Amazonian’s

Tags: USPS
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In reply to: Seller_cu1Lr54OxusWw's post

My three sites in the United States, Mexico, and Canada have all been suspended, but we mainly operate the United States site. Should we appeal the US site first, or the three sites at the same time?

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In reply to: Seller_cu1Lr54OxusWw's post

Hello, i submitted the POA as you said, and received a reply immediately, they said that We have received the information you submitted, but the information is not enough to reactivate your account, what should i do, any information we can provide has been submitted

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In reply to: Seller_cu1Lr54OxusWw's post

thanks a lot for your very useful information. I am trying to check every thing happened to me to find the main reason.

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In reply to: Seller_cu1Lr54OxusWw's post

Hey! I will give this a go. But i truly appreciate you taking time out to help all of us lost souls! God bless

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In reply to: Seller_cu1Lr54OxusWw's post

Moderators have closed this topic. If you have an account health issue, please start your own topic in the appropriate Account Health subcategory.

Thank you,

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