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I`m mentally exhausted; please help?

by Seller_UAia9vdUvpRAv

Private Label / Brand registered
Since August 26 of this year, I have had my main product it contains two color variations, it was deactivated and removed from the buy box by Amazon supposedly due to “pricing error” I say apparently because at that time I was selling it below of the price that I usually sell it. I usually sell it between $ 20-25 when it was deactivated, I was selling it for $ 18.99, and I had to lower it to $ 16.25 to get the buy box back. The strange thing about it is that the other color variation, which is the same product in the same listing, was not affected.
Since then, I have not been able to raise the price of my product without losing the buy box, which has forced me to keep it $ 16.25, which incurs a loss of my investment in each sale in a few words, Amazon has brought me almost to the point of bankruptcy. I have opened dozens of cases with seller support but, none without success; they told me that my product is eligible for the buy box and that I should have no problem, but everything remains the same.
I only receive the same email templates in each case which has caused me a lot of stress, depression, and anxiety; I can’t take it anymore. I think I will end up doing something crazy this anxiety caused by this matter is getting too intense.
I do not wish this to anyone; tens of thousands of dollars invested in this business, and suddenly they take you out of the game just like that?
Another data Amazon sells the same product that I mean is my competitor that causes me a lot of doubt. I do not know if my account will be suspended for this post, but Amazon did not leave me any other choice than make it public here, since I could never communicate with a manager or got my case assigned to someone competent.

I hope this post catches the attention of Amazon, and someone can help me.


Tags: Buy Box, Listings, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_UAia9vdUvpRAv's post

I’m going to be truthful. With a title like yours, Amazon won’t touch this thread for legal reasons.

This is on top of the fact that Amazon does not reach out in this category.

EDIT: I see you have edited your thread title. Amazon did not put you in this situation, your business model did.

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In reply to: Seller_UAia9vdUvpRAv's post

Amazon has NOT brought you to the point of bankruptcy.
You have done this to yourself by continually lowering your own price to a point that you are losing money just so you could keep the "Buy Box’
Forget the buybox if you are losing money in order to get the buybox.

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