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How Much Sponsored Brands Video Production Matter?

by Seller_44YN2LwC1omUI

Hi Guys,

I am running a simple Sponsored Brands Video which is basically a video that slides through my product images and I am getting on average 4% click through rate for most keywords on this Sponsored Brands Video Ad and on average $1.25 per click. Let’s say I invest in a very high end and professional Video and increase that click through rate to 6%. Would that in anyway change my cost per a click or give me any advantage over the old creative?

Since Amazon Video Ads are PPC style and they charge you based on your bids for a keyword and you ONLY pay when you get a click, does it really matter if my Click Through Rate for my video is much higher than the competition since we only pay if we get a click.

The only benefit I can think of myself, is that it will build more trust into the brand when they see a polished video and therefore it probably would increase the conversions of the ad into sales. Which would decrease my ACOS.

However, my question is would it affect the CPC cost in anyway?

Thank you all in advance!

Tags: Images, Video
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