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Get list of categories via API or file to download

by Seller_DTZ04BOMmO0yc

Hey all, How can i get the list of all the product categories and subcategories. Is there any API that will be used to get that or any csv/excel file to download ??

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In reply to: Seller_DTZ04BOMmO0yc's post

You can use the browse tree report from the reports API.

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In reply to: Seller_DTZ04BOMmO0yc's post

I don’t own the copyright for the code, so I don’t see how. I don’t think it is what you are really looking for anyway. We cherrypicked items to implement.

I would be interested in developing an open source parser for the amazon schemas if others would like to take on that project. I started work on this but got bogged down by the complexities of the schemas. I did successfully pull the schemas and generate a high level json object for each product type. This is written in TS and run in node.

To me the ideal library would allow pulling in the schemas in a usable format at will.

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