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FBA fee reimbursement policy: Weight and dimensions

by News_Amazon

To provide a consistent experience for sellers, Amazon has standardized the time frame for requesting reimbursement of FBA fees charged using inaccurate weight or dimensions. Sellers now have 90 days from the date a fee was charged to gather the required documentation and ask Amazon to investigate whether its measurements of a product are accurate. For more information about submitting a request and the documentation to provide, visit FBA fees reimbursement policy: Weight and dimensions.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Any possibility that FBA could send a notification to sellers whenever there is a change to the weight or dimensions (and the associated fee increase or decrease) to their listed ASINs?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This is likely to prove extremely welcome news to FBA Sellers; the official appearance in published policy of the guidelines to be used in submitting a dispute of incorrect information being used in the Fulfillment Network, as is now available in the “Submit Your Request” section of the new Seller Help Content, has been sorely needed (and well-clamored for) for some time.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

It is not clear whether this applies retroactively or starting today (for all FBA-fees charged as of today).
Reason would dictate it should not apply retroactively. Meaning that if you were assessed an incorrect fee 180 days ago you should still be able to get that reimbursed.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Great. I have been selling on Amazon FBA for ten years now. It means they will just hew haw around for 90 days now and still do nothing to fix the problem. I will ask for a sku to be checked because I know it is wrong and they will come back with all sorts of answers except the right one. I even had one CSA tell me that they had measured and weigh three times and I was no longer allowed to ask them to check it. Even though it was still wrong. I finally closed the sku, had the product sent to me and relisted it. I guess we should check but I have not even bothered to check now in about six months.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I’ve gone through 2 reviews and provided documentation with images proving my items are under .75 inches for the small tier shipping and nothing. All my items are .5 inches and under, but they tell me my bags puff up with air and cause the machine to think it is over .75 inches. Some of my products are virtually flat and still get hit. This has cost me literally tens of thousands of dollars in additional shipping fees.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Always check your transactions! I lost hundreds of dollars in FBA fees. They measured a product completely wrong, and were charging me + $5 a sale ($10 total) extra. I had already sold 100 units. Was a HUGE hassle to get them to refund me the amount, and they only partially refunded me what I was owed.Took them months before the fees were even returned to me, literally 1 reply a month from seller support. It was awful…

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Out right fraud perpetrated by Amazon.
Change dimensions and weight… see how long it takes sellers to catch it, and then offer to re-weigh and re-measure.

Then keep their illicitly trumped up fees they’ve already charged.

absolutely pitiful.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I’m sorry, but this is not good news!
Amazon randomly changes the weights and sizes of our product without even informing us that they have done this.

Surely the correct thing to do is put some processes in place first.

  1. Any change to product size or weight that would mean increased charges to the seller is double check and confirm by two people.
  2. An automated email is sent to the seller to inform them that the product size or/& weight has been changed, and hence, the fees will be increasing from “x” to “y”

Like others above say once someone at Amazon has randomly changed my product weight from 200g to 2kg, it’s essential that we are made aware officially, rather than expecting us to monitor reports. Telling us now that you might change the product weight or size at any time in error and if we fail to see then you will keep the money you have obtained via an error, seems not a fair business practice

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

It’s part of my weekly check list now to check that fees have not been changed on the products I’m selling.

It happens fairly regularly

I just got reimbursed for one a couple of weeks ago and notice that there’s an issue with another product today- just opened a case for a cubiscan.

I don’t have many SKUs so it is relatively easy.

For those with a lot of SKUs it would be difficult to monitor

We definitely should be receiving notifications when this happens

We used to receive automated emails when changes were made to a listing

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I have discovered this situation a number of times quite by accident . Each time I’ve requested a cubiscan to have the item remeasured and the fee corrected (and get a reimbursement if appropriate). I don’t actually have a problem with Amazon instituting a new policy limiting our ability to reach back over 90 days for corrections.

HOWEVER, I do think that in all fairness, if Amazon is going to implement this policy it should also trigger an email to the seller at the time the dimensions/weights change.

That would be a good business policy and could be easily automated. Then a 90-day limit for submitting complaints would be easy to understand.

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