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FBA Bug: Almost all “Toys” now require bubblewrap?

by Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8

In the past 2 days I have had to have 5 different “toy” items investigated for requiring bubblewrap. Amazon has marked them as “sharp” and “glass/fragile”. Is anyone else noticing this?

They’re obviously not sharp or glass/fragile. Some examples…

Disney Frozen Ultimate Arendelle Castle Playset

Disney Doorables Multi-Peek Pack, Series 5

Jurassic World Real Feel Mosasaurus

These items are obviously just chldren’s toys… they’re not sharp or fragile. Is there a bug in Amazon’s system that is classifying almost all toys as sharp/glass/fragile and needing bubblewrap??

Has anyone else noticed this?

Tags: ASIN, Fees
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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

I looked at 50 of my active toy listing, and 25% of them needed bubblewrap. Before this week, none of them needed bubblewrap. So “Almost all” is overstating it, but to go from 0 to 25% is quite an increase. These are all toys from different manufacturers, there is no common thread here. I think this is definitely a bug in their system.

Really hoping other people reply so that we can get this brought to Amazon’s attention. I tried reporting the issue, but of course the customer service person doesn’t understand it’s a bug, not a problem with individual items. Traversing the bureaucracy of Amazon is the most frustrating thing about selling on it…

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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

I am seeing the same thing. Very few toys fit the category of being “sharp” or “glass/fragile” and therefore they seem to be classified incorrectly. The bubblewrap requirement adds unnecessary cost and/or preparation time for items that really do not require it.

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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

Wonder if it is just a bot gone wild. Known to happen.

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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

I submitted a bunch of cases to investigate the bubblewrap requirement and got this response for every one of them…

We are writing to confirm that the review of your investigation request for Case 8319112521 is complete. It has been determined that the prep guidance for your products is correct.

No changes have been made to the prep guidance at this time. Another investigation request cannot be submitted for this ASIN prep guidance for 90 days.

So, this is terrible. By my estimate I will have to pay an extra $5000 in Amazon fees every year going forward to have them bubble wrap 25% of the items I’m selling.

Can an admin reach out to Amazon and let them know there is a problem here?

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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

This has to be something to do with Amazon shipping collectibles in Bubble Mailers and damaging so many items. They need a “ship in a box” requirement for fulfillment center employees to follow instead.

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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

We’ve had a huge increase as well. For instance our Doll category is about 80% now needs bubble wrapping. We did the investigations and filed the dispute only to be denied immediately. Case was opened at 9:12am and denied at 9:13am. At this point we are unsure if this is a glitch or not.

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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

I don’t think adding to our customers safety is a glitch. If Amazon as decided they are hazards for shipping then we should just take their word on that. I think its the least we can do for being allowed to sell on their platform.

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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

100% of the items I am sending are now requiring bubblewrap

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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

We did notice that a good amount of our plush SKUs need bubble wrapping. These were the items that we have been opening cases on or doing investigations but to no avail.

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In reply to: Seller_V6Oh7Pvj4dFJ8's post

I guess this is just the new norm? It’s kind of difficult to bubblewrap a toy when you are sending it in a casepack. I’ve been paying the .80 bubblewrap fee and having Amazon prep stuff, but it is kind of a painful cost to absorb right now. Most toy wholesale costs have increased about 10% in the last few months as well, but I see Amazon hasn’t budged their prices when they are in stock.

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