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Amazon is "Price Fixing" now!?

by Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV

I’ve been trying to reactivate my listing for a week. have a high price on an item because my cost was high, however Amazon states, “The price is currently above maximum for this listing.” i get this error when i go to help and put in the ASIN to determine why a listing is not showing.

I have gone in and repeatedly changed the min. and max. prices to be really far apart. My price is in the middle of these. It will only allow me to reactivate it if i bring my price close to their price.

Couldn’t this be construed as “Price Fixing”? Is not this the very definition for the FTC guidelines for price fixing?

Tags: ASIN, Listings, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

When this happens to me it’s usually because of all the free shipping listings that cause mine to be highest. My shipping of $3.99 pushes me up to highest price.

I also consider it price fixing also, and have made 2 threads complaining about it.

I end up deleting my item (takes more time to delete, as all that is offered is close and it takes more of my time to figure a way to get it deleted)

After I delete the item, I look for another Amazon catalog fit. Sometimes I can’t find one.

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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

Price fixing is conspiring between competitors to keep the price inflated and subsequently harming consumers who pay more.

Forbidding price gouging is not price fixing nor would businesses for some reason agreeing to all cut their prices to stay under a maximum. It is when the practice harms consumers that it is illegal.

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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

Open a case, I have 3 that continually get deactivated for high price. I change price by a penny and reactivate, used to work, but not now. Two of the books have my price of $6.99 with free shipping and even though I got the books for free there is almost no profit. The other is an autographed book at $39.95. Yesterday I opened 3 separate cases to see what response I would get. On several other instances I had to delete the book and relist it, if entering minimum and maximum didn’t work. There are still sellers who put the price at over $500 for $15 books, so why delist a $7 book? Hoping enough people will open cases on this problem so it will get noticed.

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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

Are you selling something pandemic-related? There are price gauging rules in effect – which are legal and are enforceable.

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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

We have an item we sell for 3.99 plus 3.75 shipping.

Actual shipping charge is at max 3.25
Amazon’s cut from shipping 0.56
What’s left 3.18
Cost of shipping materials 0.17
What’s left 3.01

we take an 0.24 loss on each shipment for shipping

our profit on the item is about 0.50
So a net gain of 0.26

Per Amazon since Chinese sellers are selling their own version at 2.99 each with free shipping our price is too high.
Yes this is a branded item i purchase from the manufacturers I have tried the test purchase ETC…
Amazon’s answer:
This is a dispute between sellers and we do not get involved. Even the Manufacturer has tried to get them removed and gotten nowhere.

I can’t sell the item now because unless I lower the price to 2.99 with free shipping it instantly closes it.

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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

You are correct!!!

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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

Ive been accused of high pricing on an item that no one else had any of but me!!!

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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

It could be Amazon has determined that the item is too high of price for the category/item type compared to other similar items, in order to determine price gouging. Just because an item has a private label does not mean it is a rip off to consumers based on the entire market for that item. Just a guess, as I know nothing of your product or item.

Amazon has real lawyers, lots of them, so I would consider hiring one instead of quoting internet definitions when trying to resolve the claims of price fixing or collusion you are making.

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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

It is not price fixing. Manufacturer’s routinely have MAP policies which sets the minimum price, so Amazon enforcing a maximum price is more consumer friendly than MAP, Just because you do not like it or agree with it, does not mean it is against the law.

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In reply to: Seller_gGoDeYmPfSeMV's post

In my opinion, having any Party, such as Amazon, etc. being both a Market Facilitator (Amazon Marketplace), as well as, a Seller (Shipped by and Sold by Amazon) is akin to this:

Hint: Conflicts of Interest; Insider Marketplace Information & Collusion, Manipulation, and more.

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