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Access to MWS API is denied

by Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP


I am trying to develop MWS application so I checked the access in MWS scratchpad.
But I got the message that ‘Access to Orders.ListOrderItems is denied’.
I typed SellerId, AWSACccessKeyId, SecretKey but not MWSAuthToken because it is my own store.
I also checked my developer authorization date, it is 09/26/2018.
I have no idea what I should do or if there is mistake

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In reply to: Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP's post

This part is correct …

So also good.

Worked fine for me …

You did put in an AmazonOrderId ?
Do you have any orders ?

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In reply to: Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP's post

Hey, how did you solve the problem? Can you please share?

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In reply to: Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP's post

Me Too. I’ve got a request in with Seller Support (MWS Support). I give them most of the information, and then a day later, they respond and ask me to reply with most of the details I already provided. That’s the mark of a busy support person who wants to push 'til next week, as I responded back right away on Friday, but heard nothing all day and we’re into the weekend.

Anyway, I originally signed up for developer keys for my own store back in 2012, but I’m not getting around to making use of them. The idea what that I only had enough time to dabble, and I set up my store with a bunch of third party solutions and haven’t got around to dabbling with MWS.

I’ve verified my Merchant/Seller ID, I’m a professional seller, I’ve carefully cut and pasted my AWS Access Key ID and my Secret Key numerous times to be sure they were correct.

And making calls from the MWS Scratchpad all fail with “Access Denied” responses, with the exception of course of GetServiceStatus which doesn’t require credentials.

PS: I’ve come across dozens of threads about similar experiences that have a bunch of responses, but never any indication of if the person resolved it, what fix resolved it, or anything else useful. Please, if you ask a question and figure it out, do the community a favor and come back and tell us what fixed it for you. Or just delete your post if you never figured it out. So much wasted time this week reading threads that peter out into nothingness.

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In reply to: Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP's post

Hey, how did you solve the problem? Can you please share?

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In reply to: Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP's post

I am having the same issue. My DeveloperID is reporting as “invalid” when a seller puts it in their account. Also I get “access denied” when I use my own developer credentials against my own account.

I opened ticket 5785855061 with support, and the first reply said:
“Upon checking with my internal tools, I see that the MWS authorization for your account is deactivated which is why you receiving the error while trying to access API using your MWS keys”

I received no notice that this deactivation took place. There is no indication in my seller account that my developer id is not active. My developer ID worked previously, but I hadn’t used my developer ID for the last few months because of focus on other projects. I understood Amazon was cracking down on giving out new Developer IDs.

I am aware of one DeveloperID that was registered some years ago, has been in active daily use, and its still active, without having to go through the new developer registration process.

I am aware of two other Developer IDs (other than my own) who applied under the old procedure, but haven’t been actively used recently, and those Developer IDs also deactivated.

My current assumption is Amazon deactivated developer IDs that haven’t been used for a period of time, and is making all of those users reapply from scratch.

The first reply from tech support also said:
“Hence, to get the MWS ID and ACCESS key, you have to register again as a Developer. You can apply for Amazon MWS Developer API Access keys from your Seller Central account, from Settings > User Permissions, and clicking the “Visit Developer Credentials” button.” … “Once you apply, Amazon will thoroughly review your business information and intended use case before granting MWS access keys. This process may take up to 30 days.”

The problem is, once on the “Developer Central” page, THERE IS NO BUTTON OR LINK TO REAPPLY to be a developer. (The page only shows my existing, and deactivated, Developer ID.)

In my first reply to the ticket, I documented this fact including providing a screen clip of my “Developer Central” screen. In addition, I asked when and why my existing Developer ID has been deactivated.

In the second reply I got from tech support, my issue of not finding the link to re-apply, in addition to my questions about my previously active developer ID, WERE IGNORED. The only thing I got back in the second reply from tech support was a number of links to the instructions I was already provided in the first reply. (The exact same email as BrickOvenMaker received as noted above my post.)

I just submitted again the issue of no apply link showing up on my “Developer Central” page, and I attached the same screen clip as in my first reply.

It seems my ticket was routed to a different department, as I got the second reply from "". So it seems the ticket has been routed to “developer registration vetting”, so I guess that is some progress.

I will keep this thread updated.

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In reply to: Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP's post

Amazon support provided this link to one of my friends. This is where you go if you already have a Developer ID that is not working and you need to apply again:

I suggest you not just read, but study, these links before applying:

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In reply to: Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP's post

Just wanted to give an update… A few months later, but still no access. I have filled in the vetting forms that David was kind enough to provide a link to, I didn’t hear anything for many days…

But then I got an email, and they had questions about why I was requesting access to personally identifiable information and how I planned to use that data… I assume this information is the same that I get right now for fulfilling orders, being able to contact the customers, etc, and they referred to “my application” as if I was a developer trying to create an app that others would be able to access as well.

I explained that I was planning on using data to automate and customize my own business operations, as a professional seller on AMZ and that any personally identifiable information was going to be used to fulfill orders or to allow us to positively enhance the customers’ experience. Any identification of a particular customer, if we needed to remember the customer would be a hash that would be compared against future orders and we would not store personally identifying information in clear text. It would be on an internal server, not accessible on the internet, and used just for my own selling.

I wait another handful of days, today I get an email,


Please provide a website URL for your application.

Thank you for selling with Amazon,

Amazon Seller Support

I still don’t have access to MWS. So I haven’t managed to successfully connect to MWS to begin my development of such an application, and as I already explained, it wouldn’t be publicly accessible… so there is no URL for me to hand out to Amazon.

So for others in the same spot as me, I don’t think we’re going to find a secret trick to make this all work. I think we just have to keep on going back and forth with the developer vetting team until we find intelligent life.

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In reply to: Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP's post

Well, after more than 2.5 months, I finally have my access keys “reactivated”.

It started off without me even realizing that they were deactivated. The status at the beginning of the year was not showing on the access key page. As people noted in these forums, they started showing it and others and myself saw “deactivated”. In my case, it may have been because I requested the keys years ago, and didn’t immediately make use of them. They can be deactivated if calls to the API aren’t being made for a period of a month or longer.

No magic tricks made this work or got me quickly to a resolution. I just had to persist and “bump” my case to point out I needed attention to the matter. After about three weeks or so, I finally noted that case was being handled by (this email is not read, so don’t email directly).

I received the information and .xlsx spreadsheet to fill out regarding access to PII. That wasn’t my initial concern. I wasn’t able to access any APIs. If you don’t have access to PII, then the fields simply come back blank (as David explained above), but I simply getting access denied when trying to make any API calls.

They said a person from their developer vetting team was going to reach out to me about my use of PII, and they said I could access the APIs but that the PII would be blank.

I replied to them and reminded them that my keys were still deactivated. Within a day or so, I did see that my keys were Active again. Woo hoo.

I’m not impressed with the whole experience. Two and a half months… just to get my keys reactivated so I can make calls to access my own seller data.

All I can say is persist and keep on poking them when you don’t get an answer within a day or so. Squeaky wheel and all that.

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In reply to: Seller_g720oqcwy4XKP's post

Were you contacted by a person from their vetting team, or, is this still pending?

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