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A seller threatens me to stop selling my item

by Seller_fDaVzhief2wId

some time ago an amazon seller claimed that I am selling counterfeit product of the same original item which they are selling, amazon blocked my item, then after I appealed, amazon based on my proofs let me reinstate my item and sell it in the same list again. The seller who is also the Chinese supplier of this item (and I have bought from itself or a business related to it) now in amazon is sending messages to me and sort of threatening me not to sell this item any more, does any one can help me to know what answer I should have for that Chinese supplier and should I to let amazon know how this supplier is treating me. Thank you

Tags: Listings
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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

What is the ASIN?

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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

what were your “proofs”?

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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

I usually don’t side against the seasoned veterans of this forum, but everything seems more or less kosher here? The big rule here is always that first sales doctrine doesn’t protect you because Amazon still has the right to tell you you aren’t allowed to sell something. Well, in this case OP has the first sales doctrine on his side, AND amazon said he could sell here, so that settles is. If the other seller doesn’t want OP to sell the item, or if the seller thinks OP is breaking Amazon’s rules, they need to go through the proper channels to get Amazon to drop OP and not directly threaten him.

I’ve had to deal with plenty of unauthorized sellers and it’s not a fun process, but I can’t just take a short cut and threaten them because I think I’m in the right.

As OP I would report threats to Amazon and wash my hands of this situation.

EDIT ADD ON: I also don’t really care how hard someone breaks the rules, threats are not okay and should be reported. If I sell counterfeit Nikes, than Nike has no right to direct message me and threaten me. They can report me to amazon and have their lawyers take action, that’s the proper way.

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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

What are they threatening to do?

Is it something that would violate Amazon policy?

If they do it, will it succeed?

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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

No matter what the case is and what the results are… Threaten emails should not be tolerated.everything should go through proper way to have it settle…

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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

If you are in the right then report the other seller. If the other seller is the manufacturer than you better make your listing inactive. You are at risk of not selling here anymore. This needs to be handled with amazon involved. Alibaba not a good sign. Good luck.

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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

Manufacturers and brands can choose not to authorize their products to be sold on Amazon, or any other venue. The brand you are selling is brand registered with Amazon and can choose whether or not they allow their wholesale customers to sell their products on Amazon. Without knowing what email they sent you, they may have simply messaged you to let you know they have not authorized you to sell their products on Amazon and given you a warning that if you do not remove your listing, they will need to take more drastic measures and report the infringement to Amazon. Personally, if I were in your situation, I would appreciate my supplier and/or the manufacturer letting me know I couldn’t sell their items on Amazon so I could simply remove the listing(s), than be hit with an action that could potentially close my Amazon account completely.

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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

All messages have a link to click at the bottom if you believe the message is inappropriate and also you can contact Amazon Seller Support and bring such to their attention. I would do so.

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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

Did I get it correctly – you are buying from someone who is also selling on Amazon and don’t want you to?
You are getting yourself in trouble. You are lucky this Chinese seller is dumb.

One possible scenario – they get you to buy large stock, receive your payment and THEN complain to Amazon telling them you are infringing on their intellectual property. This would ruin you for sure.

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In reply to: Seller_fDaVzhief2wId's post

If this person owns their own brand and has their name trademarked then you are not allowed to sell on their listing. you can check on the trademarks website. It has nothing to do with the item, it has to do with you selling their brand

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