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Update: Amazon only accepts shipment confirmation that includes a CarrierCode value

by Jeniffer_Amazon

UPDATE: The change to the CarrierCode value described in this announcement has now been implemented for all listed marketplaces. The change to the ShippingMethod value has been reversed and this value remains optional.

What is changing?

Previously, we required selling partners to provide the carrier name when confirming shipment through the Manage Orders page on Seller Central.

As of April 19 July or August, 2021, the shipment confirmation process has changed to require selling partners to provide a value for the CarrierCode field (carrier name) when confirming shipments via bulk feeds, APIs, or integrations.

NOTE: The CarrierCode value must match the options listed in Seller Central exactly. Missing or incorrect values will lead to errors and the respective orders will remain unconfirmed.

Only if the selling partner is using an unlisted carrier, can they use the CarrierCode value of ‘Other’ and then provide the carrier name in the CarrierName field.

See the List of acceptable carrier codes in Seller Central.

Selling partners must be able to provide CarrierCodes via applications enabled by API, bulk feed, or integrations.


Feed template:

  • POST_ORDER_FULFILLMENT_DATA will change the CarrierCode field from optional to required. The CarrierName field changes to optionally required when CarrierCode is set to ‘Other’.

Flat file template

  • POST_FLAT_FILE_FULFILLMENT_DATA will change the carrier-code field from optional to required. The carrier-name field changes to optionally required when carrier-code is set to ‘Other’.

Selling partners who do not provide this information will not be able to confirm shipments and can experience an increase in their late shipment rate (LSR) and an increase in automatically canceled orders because of unconfirmed shipments.

This change does not apply to Buy Shipping. Amazon automatically collects data on the carrier and ship method used via Buy Shipping.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change is effective in the US marketplace on July 28, 2021.

This change is effective in the Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, UK, France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, India, Singapore, and Australia marketplaces on August 2, 2021.

Who is affected?

Developers with applications that confirm shipments are affected.

What action is required?

If you have an application affected by this change, be sure to update your application workflow to require the CarrierCode value. If the CarrierCode value is set to ‘Other’, then conditionally require the CarrierName value.

For more information

For more information about confirming shipments through feeds and a list of acceptable carrier-codes, see ‘Confirm multiple shipments with feeds’ in the Seller Central Help for your marketplace.

Tags: Fees, Images, Listings
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